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Everything posted by flip

  1. Using the plugins dents and crystalize, you might be able to achieve the effect. I'm not promising you, I'm just guessing. There is a tutorial, but I'm sure you can search that. http://searchpaint.net
  2. I'll just give a big explanation then. I really don't understand how you guys don't know what I'm talking about. It might just be me explaining it badly, but here we go. See this? This is from welshblue's gallery: (I'm not saying is a super bad guy or anything, but I chose him because he uses photobucket pages.) That page took about.. 7-8 seconds to load completely. Time it yourself. Plus, there are a lot of ads the expand and a lot of other bloody potato like that. Plus plus, I'm on a pretty fast computer. Not the fastest here, but... LINK. Here's the thumnail that goes to the DIRECT LINK. The direct link is located on the photobucket page under "Share This Image." Time how fast this loads. That took less than a second to load, and I'm sure it's the same for everyone else. This can save a lot of time for people with slow internet connections, people who are impatient like me, and for people who don't like ads all over the screen.
  3. Everyone is here is crazy about language. You can't say damn, etc.
  4. It's not about new tabs or not, it's about speed. Direct links to the image loads faster than loading the photobucket page. Not everyone have super fast connections. Yeah. I don't see what you were getting to, Rick.
  5. Well, I'm sure nobody is going to write up a whole tutorial just for you. There are some tuts in the tutorial board, I guess you missed that.
  6. Try deleting the Paint.net folder in "Program Files" Then try installing it again.
  7. Fist ten entries sounds cool. I'll do that next time.
  8. If that's true, that should be illegal. Besides, photobucket, imageshack, and (I'm not sure about this...) flikr, all allow it. And, I haven't seen any other hosts here. It wouldn't be that hard to teach. On imagechack it's in big bold letters, and I don't know about other hosts. You can also right click on it, and copy image location. In IE, you can right click > properties. The link is there. Depending on speeds of internet, it does.
  9. I have tabs. I don't think anyone knows what I mean. This.
  10. Then they post a DIRECT LINK to the image, not to a photobucket page with the image.
  11. Can we try to make/enforce a rule where you have to post direct links to images or post the images? I really don't like waiting for a photobucket page to load, because they take awhile. Same with imageshack pages, and flickr. I mean, the pages have the direct link on it... why not just post the direct link?
  12. In that new one, what font do you use? Are you using a font from 04?
  13. You have a really organized gallery, and some nice stuff. :o
  14. I like all the small wallpapers.
  15. flip

    RAM Designs

    Eh, it's alright. It looks nice, but those effects are used a lot.
  16. Oh, c'mon. I'm 100% sure that everyone here can handle a little... ...gasp... PG rated material! D:
  17. Try using the lagic wand tool to select the area of the photo that you don't want, and then make a background.
  18. I don't think there are that many. There's that "Polished Spacescape" one but I don't think it's that good. (Or, doesn't have good results.)
  19. This one looks a but better, I think. Nice job.
  20. Thanks. New 900x900, first new one in awhile. It's kinda half-ish WIP.
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