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Everything posted by flip

  1. Eh.. it's an okay tut. For the glow, you can just duplicate the layer, make it white, and then blur it. You don't need to do the circle thing.
  2. Really? Huh. I guess my grunge texture that I make isn't that hard to figure out.
  3. Hey! How'd you learn how to make the grunge texture?
  4. I just noticed something. This forum looks kinda... normal. This is a forum of GRAPHIC ARTISTS. This should be the coolest looking forum there is.
  5. Well, we need an ADMIN to do it. I don't think mods can.
  6. Open the image you want to keep, save the image as a 256 color one. Then, go to file > save AS. Save as saves a different, new file, while save overwrites a previous saves or saves a new file.
  7. Why not just google a picture of a shirt and do whatever you need to do on a new layer?
  8. You have to download .NET framework from microsoft. LINKKKK
  9. Okay, I'm going to close this comp! If you were planning on entering at the last second, or just didn't finish... SORRY!
  10. This whole forum needs a makeover!
  11. I can fix the toungue one. I'm kinda copying this from another forum though.
  12. We need an admin to confirm this, though. No point of agreeing unless an admin agrees.
  13. I think it's time for a smiley makeover. I think we're missing some faces. Maybe we can have a snazzy contest to see who can make the best smilies. We can hace faces already decided, and people just have to make them. How about it?
  14. This tut is too easy. Anyone can do this by just messing around. :?
  15. You can? I don't think it's THAT good...
  16. Here's a kinda bad attempt at a wood texture. Click on it for full size.
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