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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. Lower the saturation on the background of the bottom one, or just change the color, and it would be better.
  2. Nice. Only thing is the BG color on the first one doesn't really match.
  3. http://1-sharp-1.deviantart.com/art/Nebula-143261186 And this. Stars + paintbrush + gaussian blur + clouds + blend modes.
  4. Those are both great. Leviathan, No I didn't use drop shadow on the pink and purple one, but I did on the pink and orange one.
  5. Is the issue I posted about in the old thread fixed? (I would quote, but I don't know where the 3.5 thread went) It was when you changed blend mode or visibilty and it kind of stutters between if the layer your changing was full visibilty normal blend mode and what it should be. Edit:
  6. Thanks! And yes, 100% PDN
  7. Thanks gamer New sig!
  8. Generally you get more comments and critique if you also comment on others' work. Pipp: I think it would look better if you blurred the foreground C4D a bit. Overall a really cool sig though. Interactive: The twirl thing in the background looks nice, but the text doesn't really fit. Bjarni: Your text also doesn't fit. The bg looks kind of cool, I would be interested in seeing what it looked like before dents(?). Burningrock: The vertical lines kind of kill the sig. Aislin: It seems really small, kind of hard to see the effects. Boltbait: I like the text from the bigger one better, and I like the rest of the smaller one better.
  9. Also, try renaming your gallery to something like "DragonG1's Art" or DragonG1's Gallery" So it's easier to find if someone is looking for it.
  10. Step one: Draw circle. Step two: Run align object plugin.
  11. Or use gaussian blur. It's not quite the same though.
  12. I like the B&W gallery banner better The orange one looks cool too though. The wallpaper looks cool too, I especially like the swirly white lines.
  13. PDN now does this wierd thing when I flatten/merge layers. Say if I merge a layer down, and it's set to additive or whatever, then when I merge it down it flickers to as if it is set to normal, then goes to what it should look like when merged. It's only really a problem when I'm trying to compare what a layer looks like visible/not visible. This also happens when I make a layer visible/invisible. If your not understanding what I'm saying, I could try to upload a video. Also, This happened when I was on XP, then upgraded to win7, and is still happening, so not OS related.
  14. Instructions PM'd to you
  15. I get what you mean, I'll try to do that next time. Might be a bit, windows 7 installation didn't go smoothly. :? I'll be waiting : )
  16. Nothing's confusing, was just hoping for an increase in entry limit.
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