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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. Just don't think about it. Try places like deviantart, and just look, and find something you think would be fun to try and recreate. You can also try photoshop tutorial sites, or just watching TV/doing everyday things.
  2. The new piece is cool only thing I see are the edges of the bowl are a bit :AntiAliasingOff: Also, Your current sig is awesome
  3. Nice work on all of them. I see you've been working through a bunch of the tuts, good job. They are really helpful for learning all the in's and out's of PDN I think the oval mesh jewel is my favorite piece.
  4. The dodge charger WP and the purpleish sig looks nice
  5. Sharp


    The zoom blur/wobble thing looks cool It almost looks like a comet tail or something. Nice job
  6. Thanks for all the comments guys And @ axle, yeah, it is, but I tweaked the BG a bit, and am planning to change the text.
  7. Testing out some techniques on a starscape, gonna do a larger one and put more effort into it, either monday or tuesday
  8. The smaller one looked better IMO.
  9. The sigs all look pretty cool! For the wallpaper, the lines seem a bit thick and taper off too quickly, and the colors are a bit bland, but as you say, it's a start
  10. Good idea, it would be really helpful when your doing the same effects over and over, but can't just use ctrl+F.
  11. Yeah, that's what my Starscape tut is based on, but I can't quite get the larger stars or the space dust to look right.
  12. Right when I start to get somewhat good at starscapes Sozo comes and blows me outta the water It looks awesome.
  13. They look nice, but I'm still waiting for you to go make a sig with your only stock being the render
  14. That's ridiculous. You can use the line tool, the square tool, the circle tool, etc. Take this thing from pixeljoint for example: For the base of the statue, do you really think he pressed he mouse button like 100 times so he could draw a line? For the buildings, do you really think he pressed his mouse button 1000 times? http://www.foolstown.com/pix/isowip.gif Or this. O.O
  15. The large piece looks pretty sweet.
  16. Thanks guys @ oma: Haha, while I was making it I thought full black looked wierd, so I made sure it wasn't 100% black
  17. I like it spuff. Maybe rotate the flower and put it in the white area and mess with blend modes? It looks good marken, just maybe put the lines a bit closer together or just add more.
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