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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. Assuming you have the alpha mask plugin, you could add a new layer, fill with black, then add in your shape you want to be held in front of the flashlight in white. Then gaussian blur probably at a minimum of 30 px, then save this as a png and call it something like "alpha mask". Now undo till you get to your original image, set primary color as yellow/white, then secondary color to transparent in the "more" options, then draw a radial gradient from the center out. Now open the alpha mask plugin, and load your mask. Voila!
  2. Nothing's wrong with them, just personally it feels more like I made the sig, and less like I copied and pasted other peoples work over a render. In regards to your latest, sig, It looks cool, but the yellow border looks off. I think it would look better if it was just 1-2 px.
  3. I think the hair came out the way it did because of how it was rendered. What do you mean by 100% PdN? You mean don't use brushes? Yeah, that's what I meant. For example, put the render against a black BG, then compare to it on a white BG. The black would look better. And by 100% PDN I mean don't use C4D's/brushes/stocks etc. (Besides the render)
  4. Try 100% PDN Also, I dont like the blue glow around her hair. The cutout of the hair isn't perfect, and the glow just kind of highlights that.
  5. My favorites are hero, time shift, rogue, and the sonic one.
  6. I dunno. Resize fail I suppose. :?
  7. Haha, no. I dont make stuff very often.. The only things I don't post are things I start doing and am thinking one thing, but the real thing turns out completely different, or just things to see if I can use technique X to make image Y etc. etc. Oh, and sometimes I won't post it if I think I can do the same thing in a bunch less steps and want to try it a diff way. I probably end up posting maybe 60-75% of what I make. After reading this it seems really confusing
  8. Also a new spacescape, 100% PDN For some reason I never feel like my planets fit with my starscapes...
  9. Thanks Here's a collab sig between me and flip.
  10. If you try resizing a large selection where a large portion of it is transparent, IE a circle inside of a rectangular selection, then when you make it smaller with the selection tool it gives the transparent pixels 1/255 opacity. Not a big deal, only really noticeable when using emboss or similar plugins.
  11. Personally It seems to me like your trying to portray it like it's yours, just because really the only thing there.
  12. Maybe try a different color for the glow? Like, try matching it to the planet or the spacescape color.
  13. It would be totally freakin awesome if you could load an image as a shape in the random shape fill plug-in.(And have it read images like the custom brush plugin, I.E., white = opaque black = transparent)
  14. I'm totally lacking inspiration. Only thing I can thing of is those lame buttons that there are 497398765302543 tuts on how to make. :?
  15. Thanks! It's pretty simple really, Just do a line with whatever size and do a transparent linear graident to fade the edge out. A few of them have drop shadow applied, and a faint glow too.
  16. You could try like a few contests in a row based on a certain color/color combination. Or You could do earth/life/green.
  17. That's sweet. Can't wait to see the finished product
  18. Oh, sorry, got you mixed up with Jake2k. Maybe you should try a tech sig anyways?
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