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Everything posted by Sharp

  1. You're not supposed to vote for yourself you idiot. That's cheating. Not really...? If you think yours is the best...
  2. Noooooooooo! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2501/3898228415_575af2776d_o.png
  3. Noooooooooo! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2501/3898228415_575af2776d_o.png
  4. Noooooooooo! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2501/3898228415_575af2776d_o.png
  5. Noooooooooo! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2501/3898228415_575af2776d_o.png
  6. Noooooooooo! http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2501/3898228415_575af2776d_o.png
  7. Nice tut. For the texture bit, you can also just render clouds in black and white, and color it later. Also you can repeat it with more layers and blend modes for a bit more depth to the planet. Oh, and you can also alpha mask a circle out of your texture and add a bit of bulge instead of shape3d. Gives you a bit more control over texture stretchiness, plus then you have the alpha mask for the shadow/inner glow etc. etc. Just goes to show you there's a bunch of different ways to do things Edit: Woohoo for being linked to
  8. Nice tut. For the texture bit, you can also just render clouds in black and white, and color it later. Also you can repeat it with more layers and blend modes for a bit more depth to the planet. Oh, and you can also alpha mask a circle out of your texture and add a bit of bulge instead of shape3d. Gives you a bit more control over texture stretchiness, plus then you have the alpha mask for the shadow/inner glow etc. etc. Just goes to show you there's a bunch of different ways to do things Edit: Woohoo for being linked to
  9. Nice tut. For the texture bit, you can also just render clouds in black and white, and color it later. Also you can repeat it with more layers and blend modes for a bit more depth to the planet. Oh, and you can also alpha mask a circle out of your texture and add a bit of bulge instead of shape3d. Gives you a bit more control over texture stretchiness, plus then you have the alpha mask for the shadow/inner glow etc. etc. Just goes to show you there's a bunch of different ways to do things Edit: Woohoo for being linked to
  10. Nice tut. For the texture bit, you can also just render clouds in black and white, and color it later. Also you can repeat it with more layers and blend modes for a bit more depth to the planet. Oh, and you can also alpha mask a circle out of your texture and add a bit of bulge instead of shape3d. Gives you a bit more control over texture stretchiness, plus then you have the alpha mask for the shadow/inner glow etc. etc. Just goes to show you there's a bunch of different ways to do things Edit: Woohoo for being linked to
  11. Nice tut. For the texture bit, you can also just render clouds in black and white, and color it later. Also you can repeat it with more layers and blend modes for a bit more depth to the planet. Oh, and you can also alpha mask a circle out of your texture and add a bit of bulge instead of shape3d. Gives you a bit more control over texture stretchiness, plus then you have the alpha mask for the shadow/inner glow etc. etc. Just goes to show you there's a bunch of different ways to do things Edit: Woohoo for being linked to
  12. Me too. When I saw that piece earlier and the text was red(or was that your sig?), I thought "wow, that would look cool if the text was white" And now it is! looks good.
  13. The techOrb looks sweet. The galaxy looks cool too, except I think the stars should be more dense around the galaxy, and not so much around the edges. Still looks good though
  14. But I made it better haha jk
  15. That out of the deep piece is awesome Looks simple enough at first glance, then try replicating it and *Whoosh*, right over my head
  16. Was bored and playing around with smudge
  17. Yeah, I have some grunge-y text on it on my actual background :wink:
  18. New wallpaper 100% PDN Click for a larger view
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