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Everything posted by Myrddin

  1. ^^ future version Enormator?
  2. If you need to, download the available one then take out what's not necessary. I think I heard Rick say once that he won't be doing any alternative or different versions. But really, 1.3mb of a download isn't that large, I'm sure even a slow connection (if that is your reason for all this) could handle 1.3 quickly enough.
  3. That could be something, you could either do a screenshot or do some coding but merit should only be awarded to design and not means. Just a suggestion. Just like the SOTW can improve design skills, this too could improve design skills plus coding skills if that is the route you choose to take.
  4. The 'dot at centre' could prove very useful, glad someone has done this. Good job.
  5. for the glowing eyes (I haven't tried this so please experiment), I would magic wand the whites of the eyes by holding ctrl for multiply selections, then effects > glow. Maybe even altering the [adjustments >] brightness may give them a more white colour. Hope this helps.
  6. Neat, as uH said this will indeed come in handy. Well done. May I ask, what's your screen resolution?
  7. Are you meaning the icons such as these: :PaintBucketTool: ? They're not that big, what's your screen resolution (i.e. 800x600, 1024x768, ...)?
  8. Draw rectangles - each colour on its own layer - then just change the opacity for each layer.
  9. I go through these phases where I latch onto a certain thing and do it for a few weeks or so, so it'd be converting my XP into a Mac look-alike, playing with Widgets or paint packages. After browsing Wikipedia for the free stuff I too tried the gimp and was totally confused by all the windows and stuff and (at the time) the RAM drag it created for my laptop. So I searched some more and came across PDN which was on about 2.7 at the time. I tried, I liked, I disliked, I uninstalled, I tried once more with v2.72 and I kept; been with it ever since. It was the first program I really got to grips with all that layers lark people were talking about, plus all the effects and stuff and curves - curves was a big one for me but layers were more useful at the time. Paint.NET life story.
  10. Is this what you were looking for Down? Try this horc, although change the black and white stages with the sepia. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=4196 Hope this helps.
  11. EDIT: Yata, you beat me to it. Re-install and change the location during the installation. Now it's been a while since I did it this way, but as with all installations there will be a location query where you can enter your preferred location. Obviously change it to where you want it. Hope this helps.
  12. I'm thinking more like board as in typo Yes? No?
  13. As well as FrEaKs' av, Stickmen avs are the best by far. Come on, you know this to be true. I'd say keep it Dr. D.
  14. Halftone! This is in my opinion much better than your other one Ed, thankyou. Will you be doing a CMYK version or just keeping to the monotone style?
  15. Fantastic plugin! I say this should be under the Adjustments menu, after all it is an advanced version of | Black and White. Anyone agree?
  16. Same here uH, I've had to work around it but it isn't that much of a problem anymore now I'm used to it.
  17. Wow, thanks for this MadJik, this is really helpful. Maybe I won't have to learn much C# after all. Much appreciated.
  18. Exactly, if I knew I already had it with EdHarvey's effects I wouldn't be requesting one.
  19. Ed's is the wrong type of halftone, something more like the pictures in this wiki, this black and white or something along the lines of this. Like newspaper print or comic print. Is this something that can be done for a plugin?
  20. For the fact it's been three days and no replies, it kinda gives it's own opinion so if a moderator (or Rick for that matter) would delete this topic I don't mind. After all it isn't giving any information or advice so I doubt it would be missed or yearned for.
  21. I am aware this has been questioned before but it has never been officially requested. From the below threads/posts it is clear it would be a popular plugin: Pixalation - specifically BB's post and the last post... BB's post on his LiteBright effect As I know nothing of coding, and because of exams have no time at the moment of learning, both others and myself would see a use in a halftone plugin and without sounding too direct or rude I am putting forward a request for one. Comments...?
  22. Answer and satisfy everyone's needs, got my vote.
  23. I do have to admit I have seen the 'save as copy' elsewhere and it has, and would, save having to mess around. Having said this though, I don't mind either way.
  24. Small bug I've found, at times - usually when I've merged a layer down then ctrl+z to undo - my bottom layer disappears and is irretrievable. Luckily, my bottom layer is always a blank white one so it isn't that much of a problem, but is it this that's causing the disappearance? Like I said though, it isn't that problematic and if nobody else has come forward with it then don't waste any time trying to rectify it just thought you ought to know.
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