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Everything posted by oma

  1. yummy oranges! and those Ornaments get me right into the Xmas spirit. ciao OMA
  2. pink curtain/draped fabric wallpaper is wonderful. what method did you use? It has been awhile since I've done draped fabric, and I'll have to retackle that in the princess drawing I've on the go right now. It is quite possibly the same method I make it, but you know me I'm always on the lookout for variations and alternate methods. ciao OMA
  3. not yet free321123. I've only just passed on my notes to Wilson so lets see how he makes out first. Its real difficult to scoot tuts down to managable steps for newbies. Especially something as complex as a tree. I already had been working on simplifying and that's what I sent Wilson but its still many steps. ciao OMA
  4. Flying Reindeer Just in time for Christmas. What a wonderful picture! so very creative. wonderful work Helen as always. I just love stopping by your gallery, always an original idea, and lovely compositions. ciao OMA
  5. Wilson how you making out on that Christmas tree tut pdn I sent you? having difficulties scooting it down to beginner friendly? :wink: think you now realize how much thought has to go into simplifying steps and ideas that just flow when you work on an image. . look forward to seeing what you come up with in a semi realistic tree tut. ciao OMA
  6. oma

    Oma's gallery

    thanks you every one @AFG the tear drop from Cameo and Cufflinks will find its way into this image which is also part of the futuristic landscape. I laughed when Helen mentioned a queen on a throne for the futuristic landscape. . As this princess was already being sketched for inclusion. I didn't like the Julia Roberts style lips on the original sketch so its at this point many features tend to get adjusted a bit. along the nose will need further shading in. that will come very shortly. more details in facial features to address yet. more around the eye area etc. 25160 update Dec 22 943 am continue the slow process of hair. Love the curls. 25209 updated Dec 22 909 pm 25229 updated Dec 23 11 51 am starte work on dress. 25260 updated Dec 23 11 37 pm had to restart the arms as the one on her knee was soo off. thanks PDN'ers for pointing that out to me. don't want that little gal having long monkey length arms. Still so much to do re shading the arms and as usual the hands are going to be my real enemy. The dress I'm just itching to start. 25276 25336 25352 as I'm considering this my signature piece for the year 2009 I just had to redo the hand. here I'm starting over. With such bad eyes I had to do this extra extra large as I just was not seeing any details in the inspiration image. no tablet only mouse. 25407 . well I did manage to do a better hand but couldn't work it in too well colorwise to the original shading. I salvaged part of the old and blended it with part of the new hand looks better but I'm not 100% on it. Overall I consider this a real good learning piece for me. The skill level was intense, and I come away knowing where I need to study and work further in the new year. thanks everyone for the watching the work in progress on this one and I wish you all well in 2010
  7. starting point so first you must think about it. what makes a Christmas tree realistic or semi realistic don't think texture yet. its the shape correct? triangular, maybe 3 or 4 tiers of triangular shapes smallest at the top. now lets think of color. solid color never cuts it in a realistic or semi realistic image. graidiants? but not just two colors of green maybe as many as 5 or 6...... do two color gradiants and then lighten and darken ? most trees are not solid leafs/needles there are lots of branches showing winter kill/ animal munchies. etc. absolutely no outlines on realistic things. those black outlines move an image to a cartoon style. you will recognize these from the snowman semirealistic. Only two screenshots I saved during making those trees. started with gentree browns for your primary and secondary colors. I think I used releif and gradiants. was awhile ago and I wasn't planning on a tut. then lasso around the end portions of each clump of brances ends only. where you want the needles. add a layer and gradiant green 2 shades. set to global tolerance 0 use wand on the branch layer in any transparent area. move to the green gradiant layer and cut. gives you brown branches with green tippys build up a few of these branches and rotate as required. and flip a few horizontal direction. use a bit of transparent gradiant or smudge to work the ends of the branches into the trunk. don't forget to put some of the brances around the back of the tree trunk that makes the tree look less flat more 3d OK next person. lets go Chad and Wilson you are up now. (Wilson I've the pdn for this tree but didn't keep notes. if you PM me your e mail addy, I will send you the PDN. I know you've enough skill work thru the steps and do up necessary screen shots. adjust where ever you feel it requires simplification so newbies can follow along as well as more seasoned paint.net users that want a little diversion. ciao OMA
  8. how realistic? real looking is really many many layers. but I've an idea for semi realistic. that you can branch out on and customize per your skill level. Not a lot of time for tuts doing my Christmas baking and all but I've a few little notes tucked away. maybe a group effort? ciao OMA
  9. nice work forbiddenrose. very colorful. As you already have a good start on drawing skills I can only predict that this will a gallery to watch. It will be very interesting when you start to branch out from Manga. (hope I spelled that correctly :wink: ) I wonder what direction your artistic talents will take you. keep up the great work ciao OMA
  10. he's not a mod, only ones that can close a thread are mods. I'd be interested, like I say I'm always trying to learn. I know I'll never be a pro at programing or using codelab, but I'm always interested in how anothers minds works in their strong areas. ciao OMA
  11. I don't think it needs to be closed. I just am a little bit slower at grasping some of these things. Its easier when you are younger and have peers and mentors to help you thru these types of learning long posts. Its far outside my comfort zone but I'm trying to expand my computor abilities. Learning a bit about code lab programing just adds to my enjoyment of paint.net/ myself I'm more of a hands on type person. I learn quicker by say something like : this dll doesn't use these principals and working with it then working with a dll that does have some of the changes verdy listed. as in any art quality versus speed almost all the time. I'd like the opportunity to judge if one dll using these methods is better in comparison to one without. That's all. ciao OMA
  12. he tells about two students that developed it and then went on to work at microsoft. one of them would be you ! It is a very favourable and nicely worded recomendation for your program. I even like that he mentions the forum and the plugins. excellent and I'm so glad its sending volumn your way. ciao OMA
  13. If this tip isn't included here yet viewtopic.php?f=12&t=20971&hilit=tips+and+tricks it should be. its a good one. ciao OMA
  14. depending on the image and the line. sometimes I use BoltBait transparency plugin and up the opacity after I shrink it downsize. this could possibly also work in your situation also. its worth a try. ciao OMA
  15. Hi Midgetalien, I must say you have some diversified artwork. That poor kitty looks like it was sitting on Frankensteins lap when the switch was thrown. I'm not a fan of how it turned out, I happen to love kittens, but I certainly applaud your fearless plugin use. what really drew me in was this image. simple and sweet but truly effective. great job Now you be certain to have yourself a wonderful Christmas. ciao OMA
  16. actually I do know what codelab is. I may not be a rocket scientist computor programing geek, and for not having much formal schooling I'm still fairly intelligent. So please try not to talk down to me. I'm just trying to understand what you are getting at. As for trusting you come in here all puffy "I know better attitude" in your first post not a nice way to make a point. Your arguments and examples are something I would study, but I'm not sure the method of your passing on your knowledge is remotely polite. lets just say you need to work on your "bedside manner" We are not morons, some of us know more than others in some fields, you may just happen to know more than me in codelab. That doesn't make you superior to me. I'm just trying to learn more everyday. Life is too short to go thru it not seeking new knowledge. It just happens to be more pleasant to learn from somepeople over others. ciao OMA . PS I started following this post when you were not in the plugin development umberalla and it was in Creations tutorial and I flagged it then to look at further. ......?
  17. welcome to the forum Brandon and congratulations on the grand opening of your personal gallery. . Like I said in the WOTW thread very lovely work on your speed entry and you show early promise of becoming a great Paint.net artist. If you put in the time practising and learning new techinques you will be a very influential and admired artist. and I see you've made yourself a new sig... I don't often comment on sigs happen to prefer larger pictures just because I can see them better. It helps those here with more experience to give little tips for improving your technique when we see a bit larger than sig size artwork. and if I don't get a chance to touch base with you before the 25TH have a great Christmas. ciao OMA
  18. hey settle down there boys. put the thing in a dll form and I'll try to work with it in making images. That's what it all comes down to. Give it to the ones that will make the decision on how well it translates into common useage by the common paint.net user. super fast doesn't always mean super plugin (from an artist point of view) from all the posts I've read them several times I still can't figure out what in the world this is supposed to do. zooom over my head. ciao OMA
  19. I certainly like this image. its a gutsy take on supercharge! I often think of words in picture form and this looks just like how the the word "speed" would be in my mind. great job Brandon, for someone who has only been working with paint.net for such a short time, you show a lot of promise as one of the upcoming artists to watch. once again lovely work and I'll be definietly watching your gallery. ciao OMA
  20. I've really enjoyed my look thru of your gallery. That small wallpaper is my fav. I like that shade of blue the best. ciao OMA
  21. It is a symptom of a creative mind :wink: and a wicked wit.
  22. Hi there like the name change although it still is a mouthfull and my fingers ache from typing all those letters I seldom comment on sigs but wanted you to know I liked that wallpaper very much. See its not too far of a stretch from sig to wallpaper just a bit more room to add your art work to. Easier for these old eyes to make things out and offer some assistance and critique. ciao OMA
  23. nice gallery. I've been by several times but just realized I'd not left a comment my fav! tiles is something I always like in images. I know someone mentioned a pear but my first thoughts were this could so easily become a golden sphinx. look forward to viewing more images from you. ciao OMA .
  24. LOL! I was thinking pac man as well. Not sure that eyeball will be very tasty .... but its such a quirky cute image it certainly made me smile. keep up the great work. ciao OMA
  25. I wondered when you would open your gallery. I've been standing in line for such a long time to be the first to leave a comment. Great start and hope to see more. only suggestion I'll make for now is to watch the little stray pixels when you do cutouts. But I'm sure that with a bit more experience under your belt with this program you will be making some magnificent images. ciao OMA
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