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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/17588/fix-problems-that-block-programs-from-being-installed-or-removed Once you run ^THAT^ program to remove all traces of Paint.NET from your system, download and install Paint.NET again.
  2. This is exactly why we want v6.0 to live for a long time so we can have time to update all of the outdated tutorials. I'm glad you found it. Yes, that's exactly it. Just be sure to fill out the form completely before pressing that button so that the info on that form makes it's way to the new project.
  3. Make sure your text is on it's own layer. The built-in way to do it is with the Layer > Rotate / Zoom effect. Of course, you'll have to play with text placement and the Rotate/Zoom controls to get what you want. If this isn't what you want, show us a sample image.
  4. The backspace key fills every selected pixel with the primary color. Or, you could use the recolor tool with a LARGE brush size to paint over the selected pixels to retain their shade but change their color.
  5. I play steam games all the time and have never seen this. But, I have no idea how your computer could be setup to cause this.
  6. Sorry, but plugins can not change the size of the canvas. So, you've discovered the quickest way of doing it.
  7. When resizing your image, try using "Nearest Neighbor" instead of "Best Quality".
  8. You know this is an old topic. You know Rick's not going to change this. Not sure what you hope to accomplish here... Closed.
  9. That's an "Unspecified error"... you'll need to give us a little more information on what you were trying to do when the error happened. I'll take a wild guess and say that you were trying to unzip a filetype plugin directly to the filetype folder under Paint.NET. That might get blocked by Windows. The way around that is to unzip the filetype files to your desktop and COPY the files to your filetype folder.
  10. Yes. If you work for a company, you may use it on your company computer for company business without paying for it. Paint.NET does not ship with any fonts. It uses the fonts already on your system. If you want to use one of your fonts for commercial reasons, you should check with the original owner of that font.
  11. Increase your canvas size (anchoring your image to the center) before doing your rotation.
  12. You can easily do this by converting your CodeLab script to a Visual Studio project. We will consider this for the next release of CodeLab. But, barring a catastrophic error, the plan is for CodeLab v6.0 to live for a long time. This will give us time to focus on other things, like update our individual plugin packs and tutorials, and develop new plugins, etc.
  13. CodeLab 6.0 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.2.12+! HUGE update today... Changes: ▪ Switch to the Roslyn compiler to support C# 7.3 syntax (toe_head2001) ▪ Added new Settings screen (BoltBait) ▪ Build can now be executed by pressing F6 (BoltBait) ▪ Syntax highlighting for Escape characters in strings is now enabled (toe_head2001) ▪ Compiler Warning Level can now be changed (0-4) (toe_head2001) ▪ Individual compiler warnings can be ignored (toe_head2001) ▪ Added support for Extended Color syntax highlighting (VS '19 colors) (toe_head2001) ▪ Added Spellchecking. Checks strings and comments in C# code, and plain text documents (toe_head2001) ▪ Other new Settings include: Indent Spaces (2 or 4) and Current Line Frame (toe_head2001) ▪ Minor code refactoring and bug fixes (toe_head2001 and BoltBait) Grab the CodeLab DLL here: https://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/ File New Template Improvements: (This feature was fixed in CodeLab v5.4, but I wanted to remind you of this change here as this was going to be saved for the 6.0 release. I did tweak it a bit for this release just to finish it.) When I completely rewrote the File New Templates in CodeLab 5.0, I was under the assumption that it was OK to use the DST surface as a scratch surface during the calculation of your final results. This is OK under some very narrow circumstances, but generally this should be avoided. (This could cause your effects to have different results when previewing your effect and when clicking OK to finalize your image.) In this release, I have removed this capability and replaced it with a second scratch surface called AUX. So, now you have access to the source surface (SRC) which is your layer before any changes are made, a working surface (WRK) to use as a scratch surface if necessary, a second working surface (AUX) to use if necessary, and of course the destination surface (DST) where you store your final calculated pixels. New Features: Spellchecking: The Spellcheck feature does not work on Windows 7, since the required Windows Spellcheck competent is not present there. Additional language dictionaries can be added in the Windows Settings. Languages that display an ABC✓ icon are compatible with Spellcheck. Misspelled words can be ignored via the light bulb menu. The ignore list can be managed on the Settings screen. How to add additional spellcheck enabled languages from your Windows Settings screen: Roslyn Compiler: By switching to the Roslyn compiler, we now support up to C# 7.3 syntax. So, EER will be happy to know that the following script will compile without error in CodeLab v6.0: // Name: Roslyn Test #region UICode #endregion void Render(Surface dst, Surface src, Rectangle rect) { ColorBgra CurrentPixel; for (int y = rect.Top; y < rect.Bottom; y++) { if (IsCancelRequested) return; for (int x = rect.Left; x < rect.Right; x++) { CurrentPixel = src[x,y]; // Roslyn C# v7.0 syntax: switch (x) { case int n when (n >= 0 && n <= 25): CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.Yellow; break; case int n when (n >= 26 && n <= 50 ): CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.Brown; break; default: CurrentPixel = ColorBgra.Gray; break; } // End Test dst[x,y] = CurrentPixel; } } } It is not required to have Visual Studio on your system in order to take advantage of the Roslyn compiler... we are shipping a copy built-in to CodeLab, just like Visual Studio does. As a side benefit to using the Roslyn compiler, we get better location information for syntax errors. So, look for more accurate placing of those red underlines. (BTW, we do not support C# 8.0 language features yet as that requires the Core library. But, that will be easy for us to add once Paint.NET switches over to Core.) Settings Screen: In previous versions of CodeLab, there was lots of stuff in the View menu. I have moved all of those settings into the new Settings screen. Toe_head2001 moved his Snippets Manager in here as well. Compiler Warnings: Compiler warnings are now underlined in green. If you wish to ignore specific warning messages, right-click on one of those warnings and choose "Ignore this Warning" from the context menu. You can manage your ignore list on the settings screen: Enjoy! 😎
  14. Generally, in Paint.NET when a user tries to draw and nothing can be seen, it is one of these issues: Make sure you're drawing inside the active selection. Or, press Ctrl+D to deselect before trying to draw. Make sure the layer you're trying to draw on is selected in the layer window. If you're not drawing on the top layer, make sure what you're drawing is not being covered by the graphic on a higher layer. Make sure you have selected a color to draw with that isn't completely transparent. If all of that is OK... there could be some more obscure reasons you don't see anything: Your canvas is visually scaled to less than 100% and the line you're trying to draw is too thin to be visible at that resolution. Your current layer's blend mode is affecting your markings making them invisible. You're drawing the a color over the top of the same color. You're using the eraser instead of the pencil/paint brush tool. You're not actually using Paint.NET, but some other graphics program that sux. However, in your case, I'm not sure The Huion Kamvas is compatible with Paint.NET as it is not mentioned on their web site and Paint.NET does not have built-in support for drawing tablets.
  15. Would this do? https://cargocollective.com/camillabomanjensen/Gronlandsk-Hundehvalp
  16. Please zip one of your dds files and upload it here. Just be sure it is family friendly. Someone will take a look at it and let you know what’s wrong.
  17. That's what my suggestion fixes. Now, if you're having trouble when "moving the brush off the screen..." that's totally different: My best suggestion is to keep where you're drawing in the center of the screen. Control the scrolling yourself.
  18. Click on the settings gear: in the upper right corner and turn off "overscroll". See if that helps.
  19. If you want my plugin pack, go here: https://forums.getpaint.net/topic/113220-boltbaits-plugin-pack-for-pdn-v4210-and-beyond-updated-february-23-2020/ and click the big blue button. Save the zip file to your desktop. Right-click on the zip file and choose "properties", check the "unblock" checkbox and click ok. Right-click on the zip file and "Extract" all files to your desktop. Finally, run the BoltBaitPackInstall50.exe program. That should get you started. If your computer attempts to prevent you from doing any of this, just know that it is being over protective and just click the option to "do it anyway" whatever that may be on your system.
  20. Due to the nature of JPG images, some pixel colors are changed (sometimes more than) slightly so that the image compresses better. Apparently #7A6F75 compresses better than #796F75. (I have no idea why.) So, if your original intent was to have #7A6F75, then you would have been in luck. As it is, you want #796F75... so, you are out of luck as it will be changed in order to compress better. JPG is not good for getting very specific colors. For that, you should try a lossless format, like PNG. You could try a palettized format, like GIF... I wonder if FB would accept a GIF file and keep it that format.
  21. Yes, and they compress the hell out of everything. So, even if you upload a JPG at 100%, don't count on it being the same file as you upload. Trying to get exact colors on FB is a lost cause.
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