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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. It does not. However, you could make a selection the size you want, then draw your rounded rectangle inside of that selection.
  2. Here are some examples of how to do this: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4085 viewtopic.php?f=16&t=4097 Enjoy. 8)
  3. You might want to make that adjustable. OK, here's what you can do... Calculate the luma of a pixel and call the gaussian blur function for that pixel. Not gonna be very fast, but it would work. Once you get it working, you can see if it is worth optimizing. You see all that code in your first post? Throw it all away except for this line: int luma = (int)(col.R * 0.3 + col.G * 0.59 + col.B * 0.11); Make this a "complex effect"--that is, an effect that calls other effects. Go from there.
  4. So, let me get this straight... you want to calculate the luma of a pixel and gaussian blur the pixel that much... repeat for each pixel of the selection?
  5. If you have a problem with that plugin, please post on that plugin's thread. That way the author will see it and address the problem.
  6. You are correct. Here is how the transparent gradient works: The drawn gradient starts with the Alpha value of the primary color and ends with the inverse of the Alpha value of the secondary color. So, if both primary and secondary colors have opacity of 100%, you will get a gradient from 100% to 0%. If the primary opacity is 100% and the secondary color opacity is 0%, you will get a gradient from 100% to 100%--in other words, no gradient at all. This is not a bug. It is working as designed. If you want to work with gradients the way YOU expect, then you might want to try the gradient plugin that Illnab1024 and I wrote. Look around in the plugin forum for it.
  7. Another way to get less of a blur: Duplicate the layer you want to be blurred. On the top layer, blur 1. Edit the layer properties and adjust the opacity to taste.
  8. With this plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=5578
  9. If you have questions like that, you should contact a copyright lawyer. Not a lot of those hanging out in this forum, however.
  10. Right below the picture at the link shown above, it says "Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License." and is linked to: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/
  11. The reason for this feature is simple. Less expirenced users were turning off a layer's visibility and then imediately trying to draw on the canvas. Nothing shows up. Confusion sets in, emails are sent to Rick, etc. More expirenced users can easily select the layer they want to modify.
  12. Because Rick hasn't had time to update it. Seriously, would you rather him fix that or work on Paint.NET version 4.0?
  13. The effect he's trying to get. A reflective surface (such as a polished table) would reflect light in a straight line to your eye. So, the reflection would look straight, just like the plugin provides. The effect he showed is distorted and looks really odd to my eye. Not realistic at all.
  14. Overkill, do you realize that that's not how a reflection would like in real life?
  15. Pressing F1 when running Paint.NET will bring up the help file. http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/en/CloneStamp.html
  16. Sounds to me that you should be the student, not the teacher. Here, read this thread: viewtopic.php?f=12&t=24620
  17. Here's a good spot: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=3393
  18. How about trying another format? Try GIF to see if that works.
  19. Better than Channel Mask? Such statements should not be made unless they can be backed up... I wouldn't have made that statement if I wasn't ready to back it up. Oh, and BTW, I was really only referring to Alpha Mask Import plugin. But, I'm sure after I publish an improvement to that plugin, Curtis WILL update his Channel Mask plugin to match my functionality.
  20. I have an idea for a plugin to make both of those obsolete. Don't make me write it.
  21. What you want to do is find the "Alpha Mask Import" plugin.
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