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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Try pressing Ctrl-D before using the text tool.
  2. Place pictures A and B on separate layers. Change the top layer's blend mode to XOR. What you will see is any different pixels will be highlighted.
  3. Could you change your control to a "percentage"?
  4. I'm glad you think it will be easy. When will you finish it?
  5. I believe you're looking for this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?showtopic=10684
  6. What you want to do is pick orange for primary color and black for secondary color. Then choose the gradient tool and start drawing.
  7. The small increase in performance you get coding in C++ over C# is hardly enough to offset the headache of coding in the C++ language. Just so you know, it would be possible to code a plugin in C++. But, with CodeLab available for free... why bother?
  8. Once you finalize text it becomes part of the image. Therefore, there is no easy way to edit it later. The best way to handle this type of thing in the future it to always put text on its own layer and save a copy of the PDN file before you flatten the image. As for your problem now, I suggest going back to the original image and start again. If that's not possible, you'll probably need to remove the text using the clone/stamp tool before putting a new layer of text on the image.
  9. First, use the selection tool to select the part of the image you want to keep, then press the Crop button.
  10. What you want to do is select the blue letters and use the Adjustments > Hue / Saturation adjustment. Adjust the top slider until you see the color you want.
  11. Read this http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/11514-
  12. Had to make a 32-bit ico file for a Win7 application at work today. Just dropped in to say "Thanks" for making this plugin. You rock!
  13. There is a "Circle Text" plugin. It is part of dpy's pack:
  14. You probably adjusted the: Adjustment > Brightness & Contrast Moving the Contrast slider all the way to the right and adjusting the Brightness slider to taste.
  15. Paint.NET is fine. Sounds like a problem with Uniblue. Have you tried their support site? http://www.uniblue.com/support/
  16. Ego Eram Reputo is the nice mod. Try that with me and see how far you get.
  17. You can set the defaults for most items in the settings screen: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Toolbar.html That should save you some time.
  18. What you want to do is draw an alpha :AlphaChannelOnly: gradient .
  19. Sure, you can do Image > Flatten if you are happy with how it looks.
  20. I'm on my iPhone, so I can't try it, but... Duplicate the image layer. Blur the top layer by radius 1 Change the top layer's blend mode to "darken".
  21. Ok, here is an alternate way to do it: 1. Install my plugin pack (link in sig) 2. Use the circle selection tool to outline the largest circle. Use shift (I think) to constrain to a circle. 3. Use Effects > Selection > Outline Selection. Select the color for the innermost circle. Set the outline width to the sum of all line widths. Click ok. 4. Use Outline again, only this time reduce the line width by how wide you want the inner line to be. And, select white. 5. Repeat step 4 alternating your line color and background color until you get all the way out to the selection edge.
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