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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Level Horizon Plugin v1.3 for paint.net 4.0+ Download here as part of my plugin pack: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32048-v Outdated link: LevelHorizon.zip Install the .dll file the normal way, then restart paint.net. You can do everything this plugin does with the built-in Layers > Rotate / Zoom effect. However, I think you'll find this MUCH easier for leveling a horizon. That roll control is cool, but not very easy to get just the right angle for adjusting a horizon. UPDATES v1.3 - Added Plumb Bob functionality. Corrections of +/- 45* or less count as horizontal, greater than that count as vertical. v1.2 - "+" indicators now red. Added IndirectUI rules. Full project now. v1.0 - Initial release. CodeLab script. Tutorial Let's start with the following image: It looks great, but the horizon isn't level! Let's fix that. Step 1: Load your desired image and use the Effects > Photo > Level Horizon menu. Move the effect UI out of the way so that you can see your image to work on it. Using the black "+" in the effect UI under "Starting position" place it on the left side of your image on the horizon. Then, using the black "+" under "Ending position" place it on the right side of your image on the horizon. Note: Use the + for rough placement, then use the sliders or data entry options for fine control. You should see a dashed line on your image that follows your horizon: Step 2: Once you are happy with the location of the horizon indicator line, click the "Show guidelines" check box to turn off the guidelines and show the rotation effect. You should see the image rotated so that the horizon is now flat. If you look in the corners of the image you should see some checkerboard pattern. This indicates where there is no image. We'll fix that next. Step 3: Adjust the "Zoom" slider until the corners of your image are filled. I usually just click the little up arrow a couple of times and that does the trick! Click OK to finalize your image. Source Code Here is the CodeLab source to the effect: The effect dll you can download above is a little more complex in the UI department, but this will show you the algorithm.
  2. I fully support this suggestion as I have asked Rick for it many times as far back as 21 September 2008. Of course, when using your own UI, it is easily possible. What we're asking for is a way to determine when the OK button is pressed when using Indirect UI. I imagine something like: if (IsCancelRequested) ...only for when the OK button has been pressed: if (IsFinalRender) ...or if (IsOKButtonPressed) ...
  3. Well, the .pdn format is paint.net's native format and is not likely to have another program that can read those files. You could try exporting the .pdn files in another format. There is a .psd filetype plugin. You might try that.
  4. Try opening them with The Gimp. (I'm not sure this will work. I've never tried it.)
  5. This behavior was done on purpose to limit the number of support contacts (emails, forum posts, etc.) from beginners saying that they're trying to draw on the canvas and it isn't showing. More experienced users will know what has happened and simply select the desired layer.
  6. I'm glad you got this working. The installer runs ngen and I suspect that's what fixed the problem. There are lots reasons why a precompiled image in the GAC could become invalid, including: .NET Framework update causes all native images to become invalid Computer CPU update Some changes made to the OS Recompilation of an assembly to IL causes existing native images of that assembly to become invalid Recompilation of a referenced assembly causes the native image to the referencing assembly to become invalid Change in machine security policy Running ngen /delete <assembly name> I'm not sure what caused it in your case. But, that's probably what it was.
  7. That is EXACTLY what I was after. I figured asking them to run an install would be easier than explaining how to run ngen.
  8. Try reinstalling and see if that fixes the problem.
  9. Completely wild guess here... I don't think paint.net can open the resource file to get the error message out of it. Try deleting paint.net (try uninstall first, then clean the directory if that doesn't work) and reinstalling.
  10. Read this: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/9349-
  11. If you are wanting to automate Paint.NET to batch resize images, you're on the wrong track. There are better tools to use for this purpose. IrfanView, for example.
  12. That's because I have complete control over the HTML on my site. The code on my site is actually more limited than the UBB code here. Mine is locked down to USD where the UBB code here handles different currencies.
  13. If you decide to give your plugin away for free, we do have the capability here on the forum to add a PayPal Donate button to your post. Like so: [donate=your@email.address]Description of your product[/donate]Which would make something like this: $USD $ GBP £ EUR € JPY ¥ CAD $ AUD $ I have one of these donate buttons on my plugin pack page and I get donations once in a while. You won't get rich, but people do use it.
  14. If you have my plugin pack installed, you can do this easily. Open the scan with the black text on white background. It is best to have a clean scan where the background is a consistent color of white (not like the gradient of your first example image). Use Effects > Object > Switch gray to alpha. Next, use Adjustments > Invert Colors. Create a new layer and move it below your text layer. Fill it with black. Adjust the opacity of the text layer to taste. My plugin pack can be installed by following the instructions here: http://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php
  15. The first thing to try is turning off the following features (one at a time): Hardware acceleration: True UI animations: True You can find these settings by clicking the gear icon in the upper right corner of the paint.net screen.
  16. But, only Inner Shadow and Bevel Object are new.
  17. If the DDS file is "family friendly", please upload the file to your favorite file sharing web site and link here.
  18. Start here: http://boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/help/ Plugins can't do those things. Here are the limitations of Paint.NET plugins: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/14566- THAT you can do in a plugin. Paint.NET is not designed to be called this way. You're welcome.
  19. Then, do the opposite. Turn Anti-Aliasing off.
  20. Make sure when using the paint brush that anti-aliasing is enabled:
  21. If you're processing photographs, have you tried these plugins? Combined Photo Adjustments Landscape plugin or the built-in Effects > Photo > Soften Portrait effect. Another thing you might try... Write a tutorial on how to process a photograph. Then, ask here if someone would be able to write a plugin to simulate your tutorial.
  22. Plugins can not change which pixels are selected.
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