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Everything posted by BoltBait

  1. Version 2.1 published. Improvements: Memory usage cut in half, speed improved, messaging improved. This is just about ready to add to the plugin pack.
  2. If you open your palette file in notepad, you can look at each individual line. Each line in the palette file should look something like this: FFE0AC00 The 'FF' specifies the alpha - if you leave this out, the color will be transparent The 'E0' specifies the red value the 'AC' specifies the green value the '00' specifies the blue value
  3. Once you render a fractal, you can always use Adjustments > Curves or Adjustments > Hue / Saturation... to adjust the colors.
  4. I remember there is a plugin where you can enter a formula and it will plot it. I can't remember what it is called though. Anyone else remember?
  5. Maybe this one? http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/7647- If not, maybe the author could help you out.
  6. Here is a page to help you install paint.net plugins: http://boltbait.com/pdn/InstallingEffects.php Here is a list of all plugins, with download links: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/15260-plugin-index/ Here is a link to the alpha mask plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/1854-x Here is a link to the PSD file plugin: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/18128-x
  7. Folder names that start with a "." character are not valid. I know you can create them indirectly. But, if you do, you're on your own. Don't expect well behaved Windows programs to work with you.
  8. Complete rewrite done. Version 2.0 has been posted. Due to the nature of the new algorithm, the "see it" option had to be removed. The new algorithm is iterative in nature, so the seams cut (after the first one) may not have existed in the original photograph.
  9. Can you combine some of your shapes into real packs? Calling this a shape "pack" with only one shape in it is a bit of a stretch. Please review the pinned rules thread in this forum. Thanks.
  10. CodeLab 2.10 Released This is only for Paint.NET 4.0.6+! Changes: â–ª Double Vector control, Double Slider control, and Roll control now have 3 decimal places of precision â–ª New options added to File > New template screen â–ª Scripts can now specify the version number: // Version: 3.14 or // Version: 3,14 Grab the CodeLab DLL here: http://www.boltbait.com/pdn/CodeLab/
  11. The only time I've seen these jagged edges is when I rendered the purple lines on an image and then ran it again to cut them out. Looks like I'm going to have to rewrite this effect from scratch. And, this time I'll use a temporary surface.
  12. OK, I have updated this plugin to version 1.5 to allow more than one line to be cut at one time. The algorithm calculates all the safe lines through your photograph (x lines), then allows you to cut 1-x lines. The number of lines you may cut at one time may be small. That's OK. Just cut them and run the effect again to calculate the next set of lines that can be safely cut. (You may move the slider all the way to to the left to cut maximum lines and press Ctrl-F to do it again.) I know you may be disappointed that you can't shrink the image all the way in one run, but, after cutting some lines, it is necessary for the algorithm to start over. This ensures the highest quality of the resulting image.
  13. How about something like this: Start out drawing your basic shape. I used a paint brush of size 200 and followed up with a large blur: Then, use Adjustments > Curves: Hope this gives you ideas. Pro tip: Look for a Curves+ plugin and use that instead. (Click the thumbnails for larger images.)
  14. He wanted to have the default image to be a custom size instead of always 800x600.
  15. As stated above... The idea is to keep the UI as simple as possible while I work the bugs out of the algorithm. Once the algorithm is solid, I'll see about improving the UI. But, even as limited as the UI is right now, Ctrl-F makes this plugin really useful. EDIT: UI has been fixed in version 2.0.
  16. The angle control wouldn't take the 3 decimal places. Could this be a bug in paint.net? Only Rick knows for sure.
  17. The plugin determines the best seam and then cuts it out automatically. You can protect certain areas of your photograph (described above) or just let the plugin do its best guess. It has a checkbox that you can use to see the seam it determines. This is purely to satisfy your curiosity. You would never select that option when using the plugin to carve a photograph. EDIT: This option has been removed in version 2.0.
  18. Read this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seam_carving Look at the images along the right hand side of the page. The main purpose of seam carving is to reduce the width (or height) of an image without scaling (squishing) the image.
  19. Here is my proposal: DoubleVector control, always add 3 decimal places AngleControl, always add 3 decimal places DoubleSlider control, if the upper bounds is < 1000 add 3 decimal places RollControl, always add 3 decimal places and adjust the steps (posted above) OK?
  20. Yup. That's a bug. I'll work on a fix. The idea is to keep the UI as simple as possible while I work the bugs out of the algorithm. Once the algorithm is solid, I'll see about improving the UI. In the mean time, I think I'll move this thread to the development section.
  21. The main purpose of seam carving is to reduce the width (or height) of an image without scaling (squishing) the image. This effect calculates the line through your photograph with the least amount of changes and deletes that line shifting all pixels over to fill the gap. This is often called "content aware resizing". Use This effect is designed to be used with natural photographs. It is not designed to be used with an active selection. So, before running the effect, press Ctrl-D to remove any active selection. Run the effect and click the OK button. One line of your image will be removed. Note: Version 1.5 allows more than one line to be cut at a time. However, there is a limitation on how many lines can be safely cut at one time. You may find that only a few lines may be cut before you need to run the effect again so that more lines can be safely cut. Version 2.0 removes this limitation. Please be patient when carving more than a few lines at a time. Due to the nature of the algorithm, the entire effect is run in a single thread. So, it may take a few seconds for the effect to show up after you move the slider. If you wish to shrink your photograph even further, press Ctrl-F to redo the effect. Continue pressing Ctrl-F until your photograph is the desired size. Protecting Elements This effect will only carve out areas with full alpha. That is, it will ignore areas of your image where the alpha is set below 255. You can use this to your advantage by selecting any area you wish to protect then use the Adjustments > Transparency plugin to lower the transparency slightly. Once you've finished with all of your carving, use the Adjustments > Transparency plugin to restore your image to full opacity. Download (For paint.net 4.0.6+): http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/32048-v You'll find it in your Effects > Photo > Seam Carving menu. NOTE: This is slow on camera sized images. Sliding the slider up to 200 could take a couple of minutes to see anything. This is all due to the fact that it is running the algorithm in a single thread. Updates v2.2 - Improved messaging. Added to my plugin pack. v2.1 - Memory usage cut in half, speed improved, messaging improved. v2.0 - Increases carves up to 200 lines at a time, removed "see it" option. v1.5 - Carve more than one line at a time. v1.1 - Fixed bug where it was producing jagged edges. v1.0 - Initial release. _________________ More info about seam carving here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seam_carving _________________
  22. I discovered this can be done by the following call: configUI.SetPropertyControlValue(PropertyNames.Amount1, ControlInfoPropertyNames.DecimalPlaces, 3); Great idea. I think the next rev of CodeLab will automatically put this in for all Double Vector controls. Now, the question is, should I put this in for all floating point controls, like the decimal slider and roll control.
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