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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=36
  2. We don't have a options window (aka Preferences fo Settings dialog), and never will. I can see people switching this setting around fairly often, actually, especially to-and-from pixels.
  3. Oh duh, you have Windows 2000, which doesn't have uxtheme.dll. I'll fix that bit of code. I'm surprised nobody else has reported that. I'll bet Image->Canvas Size crashes too.
  4. They use . as a special operator. Try searching for: pizza.98052 You will find all the pizza joints near Microsoft (Redmond is zip code 98052). Searching for "paint.net" (with quotes) works though.
  5. Unfortunately a feature like this doesn't really make sense when you consider the engineering ramifications. You can't just "disable transparency"; this is because it's an integral part of the composition engine. A feature like this would add combinatorial complexity to all the performance-critical portions of the code as well. Instead of writing code that says, "the resultant pixel equals this combination of layer 1's pixel and layer 2's pixel" it would have to be written to be, "if they've disabled feature A, then use this method of combining, but if they disabled feature B then use this method, and if they've disabled both A and B then use this other method, .... otherwise use the normal method." And then imagine what happens if "C" and D" are added into the mix. And then imagine that strewn across 86,000 lines of code. It doesn't scale at all because anytime you introduce an extra layer of something that can be disabled you have to weave extra code all throughout the code base. You can't just put that code in 1 place, which is what good OO programming and maintainability dictate. It's also a very high-risk as a "bug hazard": if I have to add code in 20 places, that's 20 chances to introduce a new bug.
  6. Please give me some specific steps to reproduce the crash you're getting, and also paste in the contents of the pdncrash.log file (it is in the directory you installed to).
  7. No, it says you must have .NET Framework installed. It does not say you must be connected to the Internet. The two are not related like that; .NET Framework is basically a library/runtime much like Java JRE or the Visual Basic runtime DLL's. It provides a lot of functionality related to network connectivity, but the Internet connection itself is not a requirement. You should have no trouble downloading Paint.NET on one computer, then copying it to a system that has no Internet connection and installing it there.
  8. This definitely won't make it into the main Paint.NET release. However, Paint.NET v2.2 supports file format plugins, so it's completely possible that somebody could write a DLL to handle these formats.
  9. Since v2.2 is in flux, so to speak, we haven't necessarily kept it 100% compatible with older plugins. For the final v2.2 release we'll make sure that we have a release of Code Lab that also works. That'll either mean changes to Paint.NET, or a new release of Code Lab. Thanks for the bug info, this at least keeps us aware of it.
  10. What version of Paint.NET are you using? You can copy and paste it from the Help -> About box.
  11. The double post was no big deal, it's simple enough to prune them. It happens -- one time I double submitted an order for $600 worth of computer parts. Oops. Anyway, in response to the feature. This has been requested before and we agree it'd be cool to have, but due to time constraints this won't make it in for v2.2. It's still on the list of features we'll be considering after that though.
  12. Thanks. I've filed a bug. I think Tom filed a similar bug awhile back, but more data is always good.
  13. Yeah I can't follow your description I need a a step-by-step list of instructions for reproducing this.
  14. 13b. We put out an update today (go to Help -> Updates -> Check Now if you don't get the "blinking green circle" in the toolbar) and I *thought* this was fixed. Turns out Tom misinterpreted the bug description ("swap the buttons") and swapped the keyboard shortcuts instead. Oops. Anyway, just an fyi.
  15. We may do this after the v2.2 release. I filed a bug on Tom for it
  16. Our installer is built from the Visual Studio Setup project type. It's extremely limited. For instance, I'd love to have it remember the values of the auto-updates checkboxes so that you don't have to manually opt-out every time you install (assuming you want to opt-out of course). The other problem is that we currently can't localize the installer. The plan is to have a front-end for our installer that figures out the various options ("properties", in MSI-speak) and then launches the regular msi in silent/unattended mode. Then we can use whatever code we want to determine the options. Having the desktop icon be optional would be considered as part of this, but honestly it's a lower priority. But if it's creating the icon every time you launch Paint.NET, then that's just weird (and makes me even more grumpy towards the Visual Studio Setup project constraints).
  17. Hmm. I can't reproduce this behavior. If I delete the desktop icon it stays that way. How are you launching Paint.NET since you've deleted the desktop and Programs links?
  18. You might try uninstalling the .NET Framework v1.1, and then reinstalling it.
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