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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. Yeah I can't follow your description I need a a step-by-step list of instructions for reproducing this.
  2. 13b. We put out an update today (go to Help -> Updates -> Check Now if you don't get the "blinking green circle" in the toolbar) and I *thought* this was fixed. Turns out Tom misinterpreted the bug description ("swap the buttons") and swapped the keyboard shortcuts instead. Oops. Anyway, just an fyi.
  3. We may do this after the v2.2 release. I filed a bug on Tom for it
  4. Our installer is built from the Visual Studio Setup project type. It's extremely limited. For instance, I'd love to have it remember the values of the auto-updates checkboxes so that you don't have to manually opt-out every time you install (assuming you want to opt-out of course). The other problem is that we currently can't localize the installer. The plan is to have a front-end for our installer that figures out the various options ("properties", in MSI-speak) and then launches the regular msi in silent/unattended mode. Then we can use whatever code we want to determine the options. Having the desktop icon be optional would be considered as part of this, but honestly it's a lower priority. But if it's creating the icon every time you launch Paint.NET, then that's just weird (and makes me even more grumpy towards the Visual Studio Setup project constraints).
  5. Hmm. I can't reproduce this behavior. If I delete the desktop icon it stays that way. How are you launching Paint.NET since you've deleted the desktop and Programs links?
  6. You might try uninstalling the .NET Framework v1.1, and then reinstalling it.
  7. Also, for #12 (english UI preference), until we have a button or some way to choose this, you may simple rename or delete the file "PaintDotNet.Strings.de.resources" (the .de part is important) in the installation directory.
  8. Until we have a button or something for that, simple rename or delete "PaintDotNet.Strings.de.resources" (the '.de' part is important) in the installation directory.
  9. Paint.NET is hardly the be-all, end-all of image editors, and I'd be foolish to think that or take offense to a recommendation to use another app. If another app has the tools you require then by all means make use of it and recommend it
  10. Sounds like you want a "magnetic" lasso. I've filed a v3.0 bug on this. It won't be in v2.2.
  11. We haven't added text boxes that show the angle of rotation or whatever to the R/Z effect. We will though. It's still alpha
  12. Great feedback, thank you so much. Here's a respone for each point: 1. It's a compromise between 'in your way' and 'reducing your screen real estate.' We chose to maximize the usable screen real estate. This is especially important for people running at 1024x768 or 768x1024, esp. on a Tablet PC. 2 - 4. Our floating window "position manager" is buggy. We know this. We need to fix it. 5. Good point. I've filed a bug. 6. Bug filed. 7. Again, bug filed! 8. Hmm ... this focus stuff is a pain The problem is that the edit box for the zoom widget has the input focus. Quite possibly we could have it relinquish focus whenever it sees the spacebar pressed. I've filed a bug. 9. This seems to happen when you click on the current selected layer. If you click on *another* layer, the focus is put back to the workspace. I've filed a bug. 10. Edit -> Deselect, or Ctrl+D, or there's a button on the toolbar. 11. We had it this way during some early builds of v1.0, and everybody thought it was terribly confusing. So we removed it. The workaround? Ctrl+A, press M (for move tool), then move the stuff around. 12. We're still figuring out how to do this localization stuff, so bear with us I've filed a bug for this specifically. 13a. True. We wrote it this way because honestly it was easier this way, and we haven't changed it for two reasons: 1. it works and we're focusing on other areas of the app, 2. the moment we change this we'll confuse everybody used to our new backwards way! However, eventually we will be changing other things which will require a revaming of this layer box. At that point we'll probably make it "upside up". 13b. Bug filed. 13c. I like it 13d. I agree. Bug filed. Easy to fix, too. 13e. Bug filed, I agree.
  13. For the first comment, are you referring to drawing a selection or drawing a shape? In the former case, it's important for us to keep the distinction between manipulating the selection and manipulating the pixels that have been selected. The reason for this is that soon we will be implementing the ability to move, scale, and rotate just the selection itself (without changing the pixels "below" it). For the latter case, and this refers to your second comment as well, right now Paint.NET rasterizes everything when you draw it (i.e. the shape "commits" when you finish drawing it). We don't yet have the ability to have layers of various types, although that ability is being considered for future releases (not for v2.2 though).
  14. There is a BetaNews mirror for this now, does that work for you?
  15. Glad you like it so far, it's been 4 months since v2.1 was released and I'm happy to finally put out an update. Comments: Yes we changed from using 'group boxes' to using 'header labels'. You'll see that things are grouped with text and a horizontal line, but not a full rectangle surrounding a logical grouping of items. This enabled us to shrink things down a little, and is kind of a nice aesthetical change. It also keeps everything from overlapping at 1024x768 with a 1 unit tall Windows taskbar. Yeah I'm definitely liking this change too. You get to see exactly what you're selecting while selecting it, but then when you want to interact with it and have an idea of what the boundaries are, you can focus on just the pixels. Another minor change related to selections: turn on the rulers, then make a selection. You'll see the selected area highlighted in the ruler as well. Yet another minor change: While drawing a selection, you can hold down the other mouse button to change the origin of the selection. For example, if you are drawing a rectangle and then start holding down both buttons, then move the mouse, the rectangle will move but not change in size. Then let go of the other mouse button (but keep the first one down!) you may resume adjusting its shape. It's hard to describe but very natural to use. This works with all selection and drawing shapes. Perfect for when you get something the right size but are a few pixels off. Next up: selection transformation. And by that I mean just the selections, and not the selected pixels. You'll note that in the terminology I use I make a clear distinction between "selection" and "selected pixels." Right now we have implementation selected pixel transformation. The UI is still rough draft, it will get better. This is a bug I noticed a few days after v2.1 was released (oops). But I'm ripping apart that stuff in awhile so I haven't bothered to fix it I believe we do ... you should get the little help text in the status bar when you click on the tool. The performance for union and subtraction are currently horrific -- I'm wading through a 10-page paper that describes an algorithm that'll help me make it as fast as the xor mode. But hey, it's currently functional at least. Dan, I sent an e-mail to your hotmail account earlier today asking if you wanted to join in a private alpha test ... but then decided to release it publicly
  16. By the way, the MSDN interview is up on http://msdn.microsoft.com (front page currently). Check it out to see if that's the same problem you're seeing (obviously check out the part of the video that's recorded from the computer, and not the interview).
  17. Have you tried right-clicking on a file and then selecting 'Edit' ? Paint.NET doesn't hook in to the double-click action, only in to the "Edit" verb.
  18. Well, I suppose you could ... I've never tried though.
  19. This won't be present in v2.2, but we're still considering it for future releases.
  20. We aren't distributing our installer in a .ZIP file anymore ... you may have an older version! Please download the latest version (v2.1b) from our download page if that's not the version you just installed: http://www.eecs.wsu.edu/paint.net/download.htm
  21. Well, bezier curves haven't been cut from the v2.2 feature set ... yet. Because of a bunch of other things implemented for v2.2, adding bezier curves has become much easier. Honestly, the main problem with adding this is that the toolbox is already full. If we add another row it is way too big for a 1024x768 screen (it overlaps the Color box). Or we could expand it to be 3 columns, but ... ehh, it might look clunky. We can technically get rid of the Pan tool (the 'hand') since its functionality is now present in every tool for v2.2 (just hold down the spacebar and then drag), so we'll see about that. But then everyone will ask, "where did the Pan tool go?!"
  22. I don't understand your question ... do you want to have the toolbar buttons put into a drop-down menu?
  23. Also, here is an interesting article titled "The Sharp Design Philosophy Behind Paint.NET." Myself and Craig were interviewed for this some time back. Maybe it'll give you insight into any sort of informal "mission statement" we might have: http://www.devsource.com/article2/0,1759,1785684,00.asp
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