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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. Programs that need .NET 1.1 will use it, even if .NET 2.0 is installed. The two are designed to be able to be installed side-by-side like this. .NET 2.0 does not "replace" .NET 1.1 in the traditional sense. Please see our FAQ for a more detailed explanation.
  2. Ahh, no. CodeLab isn't really meant for general or casual users.
  3. You might have to remove the .nyud.net:8080 from the URL. Some networks block that port for some reason.
  4. Tom's getting the ZIP file ready as we speak. If you can't wait, it is included in the source code download. The DLL should be in extras/CodeLab/bin.
  5. We've seen this caused by having a "monitor manager" software installed, such as Powerstrip or ATI Hydravision.
  6. If you want to create a new language pack for v2.72, simply follow the directions posted in this thread: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=601 However, for all the authors of the v2.6x (and earlier) language packs, you will want to make use of a program such as WinMerge ( http://winmerge.org/ ) to compare the English Strings.resx files from v2.5/v2.6x and v2.7x. This is known as a "diff" utility that is very useful in highlighting the differences between two text files. Basically you'll need to download the source code for both the original version for the translation (v2.5 - v2.64) and v2.72, and then load up the src/Strings/Strings.resx file from both in WinMerge. Lines of text that show up as yellow are new, and lines in red are to be deleted. Make sure that your Files.AboutCredits.rtf is up to date as well. The changes are minor, and mostly involve removal of some items in the "External Libraries and Contributors" section. Once you have updated your language pack, simply post it as usual in The Official PdN Localization Topic over here: http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=486 Thanks!
  7. The BMP codec that we have does not support loading saving the alpha channel with 32-bit BMP images. Because of this, we have it save in 24-bit format. If you want to retain the alpha channel, and if your other software supports it, I recommend using PNG or TGA.
  8. You might try doing a Repair installation of the Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0. You should be able to do this from the Add/Remove Programs control panel. Find it in the list, click its Change/Remove button, then follow the directions to do a Repair installation.
  9. You want to convert PDN images to PNG or JPG? Because you can just use File->Save As to do that, and then use anything to print / view it. However if you're looking to automate the process, then things get more interesting.
  10. Sherlock, you might wait until there are some actual plugins to download before worrying about installing them ...
  11. Make sure to read the sticky in the Tutorials forum before posting. Moved to General Discussion.
  12. Please post your comments in the correct section of the form. I think this thread is pretty much done.
  13. See, Dan, you should post a tutorial on how you made your sig bar...
  14. Never. Paint.NET is not an animation program.
  15. Hm... running Repair on the .NET 2.0 installation. I wonder if that will help anyone else.
  16. Ok, that's good to know. It was just the only thing in the list that looked likely to be installing global hooks.
  17. Zagna, ok I have updated the download links in the other forum topic. What tools did you use for diffing? They could be handy for other translators to help them update their language packs.
  18. Hmm I don't remember the level where he wears a cape
  19. No, sorry. If the solutions listed above don't work, then we don't know what's causing your problem, nor how to fix it.
  20. Zagna, the formatting on that help file doesn't work ... (as in, it's totally broken!)
  21. Only our alpha, beta, and release candidate builds expire, and they say "Expires on: [date]" in the title bar.
  22. The goals of the WSU Foundation do not include sending me money to buy a Wacom Tablet
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