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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. No, we will not add a File->Close menu item when we move to MDI. We are also removing File->Exit because this functionality is duplicated by just rebooting the system (and if you can't tell, I'm joking )
  2. Try dragging the file ("drag and drop")
  3. It's hard to say since it isn't giving us any useful information :? Normally when there's a crash in our code (as opposed to a crash in the framework) it should present the stack trace. When that crash dialog is open, go to Start->Run and type in "%TEMP%\PdnSetup" and then click OK. Try copying all of those files on to a folder on your desktop, then close the crash dialog, and then double click on SetupShim.exe and see if you get the same error.
  4. You probably want to create one layer for each picture you're blending (Layers -> Import from File, and then select the picture(s) that you want). Then you can adjust the blending for each different layer as appropriate. Blending like that seen in your Jessica Alba signature, with all the soft edges and whatnot, requires a bit more work and creativity but is definitely possible.
  5. Note the added emphasis on "carefully" Removing the hot dog won't be automatic or "free": you'll have to work for it. Basically what you do is set up an location on the image to copy from by Ctrl+clicking with the Clone Stamp tool. Usually a nearby area works best -- something with roughly the same color or pattern that you want to use. You'll see the circle brush preview resting at that point, slowly pulsating. You can then draw just like with the regular brush, but it will copy from that anchor area, and the area it copies from will move with your mouse.
  6. Paint.NET uses whatever TrueType fonts you have installed in your system. So just do whatever you'd normally do in order to acquire and install those on your system.
  7. My guess would be screenshot capture. These global hooks usually monitor keyboard or mouse input for various purposes. Sometimes for quite useful purposes (screenshots), sometimes for malicious purposes (sniffing passwords).
  8. Your Verdana font is corrupt. You will need to replace it with a working version; an easy way to do this is to copy it from another computer.
  9. You either have software that is installing global hooks, or spyware/malware (which is probably installing global hooks). An example of some software that we know to conflict with Paint.NET is called AllChars. The reason I know this is that you are getting "overflow errors." We turn this off, but oftentimes the software I mentioned above is poorly written and turns these back on but then doesn't restore it back to off.
  10. Duplicate thread. http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=1030
  11. I made a 2D tile-based "RPG" in 4-color CGA on my 286 once. It was pretty cool at the time, although of course pretty lame in hindsight Too bad my hard drive exploded and I lost all of it
  12. Doesn't reproduce on my system -- I need more information. What are you trying to do with the image? What're your system's specifications? Does other software run really fast in comparison?
  13. Looks like it may be patent/legally encumbered. That doesn't stop someone else from writing a plugin to support it though. (although we need to get those plugin docs written...)
  14. Ctrl+L is Layers->Adjustments->Levels Be careful with those shortcuts!
  15. Gosh, 3.0 is going to take forrrrrrever.... don't hold your breath
  16. How is it not freeform? Maybe you mean something else.
  17. heh, those are awesome. About all I can draw is Pac-Man and a cat.
  18. Flattening affects the entire image ... hence it is in the Image menu. It does make sense to mention it in the Layers section of the help file though. "Flatten" used to be in the Layers menu, in v2.1 and before (iirc). I found myself always going to the Image menu looking for Flatten, and then going "oops, it's in Layers". I decided it was in the wrong place, so I moved it.
  19. So what is the advantage of JPEG 2000 over regular JPEG? I must admit I'm not very familiar with it.
  20. One of the first things I need to do, however, is to radically improve performance of selection union and difference. We use a very brute-force algorithm to do this now, and unfortunately the solution is to digest a paper describing a very complex algorithm for generalized polygon clipping. :shock:
  21. How about a redesigned brush system? One that's completely flexible, componentized, and maybe even supports plugins for various "parts" of the brush. This system would separate the 'shape' and 'color' of the brush, with configuration for either. It would make it trivial to do things like adjusting the softness of the brush stroke, and would also eliminate the "polka dot" problem when painting with low-alpha color values. Maybe a better updates system where we download in the background using BITS, which means you don't need to keep Paint.NET open while it downloads (and nor do we have to install a background app or service to do this). Adjustment layers would be nice, both "attached" to a layer or as a layer unto itself. It's nice to be able to continually refine things like brightness/contrast without losing precision. Simplified layer properties editing so that you don't have to open up a dialog box to edit that stuff. This is not to say I'm confirming these for the next release. We have a lot of things we may or may not do, and features get prioritized based on many factors.
  22. I did an interview for Nate Mook over at BetaNews.com, check it out if you're interested. http://www.betanews.com/article/Intervi ... 1141071978
  23. It would not be trivial, and depends on a lot of other functionality being implemented first which is also non-trivial.
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