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Rick Brewster

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Everything posted by Rick Brewster

  1. I've uploaded a draft of the updated help file for Paint.NET v3.0: http://www.getpaint.net/doc/3.0/ "What's New", http://www.getpaint.net/doc/3.0/en/WhatsNew.html "Layer and Blend Modes", http://www.getpaint.net/doc/3.0/en/Laye ... Modes.html All the new stuff has been covered, and there is a new topic titled "Layer and Blend Modes" that tries to explain layers, composition, transparency, and the blend modes. Note that my web hosting does a few weird things with reporting character encoding, so if you see the copyright symbol as a square, or other "square" characters, don't worry about them.
  2. From looking at the source code, you are calling Clone() on the input Surface every time Render() is called. Your memory usage is going to explode, causing Paint.NET to crash a lot on anything but small images.
  3. Ok well you're trying to use the MSI Cleanup Utility described in that other post. I can only point you to the utility and what to do with it. I can't help you troubleshoot the utility itself or your antivirus software.
  4. This is exactly as intended. There's another discussion on here where I describe exactly why, but you'll have to search for it. I think BoltBait asked about this before.
  5. Um, which download screen? I have no idea which download screen you are referring to.
  6. I have no idea what StartMsi.vbs is. It's probably just a benign VB Script for running an MSI file (MSI = Windows Installer file). Norton likes to classify all scripts as malicious in their user interface, like what you see in your screenshot. Even though they can only potentially be malicious. But like I said, I don't know anything about that StartMsi.vbs file or where it's from or anything. Nor do I know what you clicked on that caused that prompt to come up.
  7. This is a bug in Beta 3 that I noticed literally 5 minutes after posting it for download. It's been fixed.
  8. Please make sure to post in the correct forum. Moved to Bugs & Troubleshooting
  9. The whole point of a watermark is that the author of the image does not want you to remove it. I suggest that you either live with the watermark, or take this up with the author of the image.
  10. It isn't password protected. If anything your download got mangled.
  11. Yes, stop the "spirits" bloody potato. It's very annoying.
  12. What happens if you use the ZIP file from this thread? http://paintdotnet.12.forumer.com/viewtopic.php?t=2968 ... I remember fixing some stuff in this area but can't remember exactly when it was (i.e. beta 3 or post-beta 3).
  13. Constructive criticism here: I would suggest moving the blue splash to the left of the text -- right now the lack of contrast makes it hard to read.
  14. Except that, by definition, this is a contest for an unofficial logo. The Paint.NET logo that I created will not be affected as a result of this thread.
  15. Paint.NET does not currently have a batch conversion feature/ability.
  16. We usually don't use the forms designer after the initial design and implementation of the dialog. The fact that they don't work in the designer is no surprise, and it is not a goal of ours to enable this.
  17. File -> Save As Just choose a new type in the file type drop down.
  18. Thare are some changes regarding plugin handling I'm hoping to make for the next release of Paint.NET. This is definitely something I'll be taking in to consideration. This was never a problem a year ago when there was a total of maybe 2 plugins available Heck, 2.6 completely broke all 2.5 and earlier plugins ... if I did that with 3.0 I'd never hear the end of it
  19. How about this one, modeled after the icons for Adobe's upcoming CS3 suite? (P.S. the new Photoshop CS3 icon is this --> ... yeah )
  20. 1) Possibly in the next version 2) Click on "More" 3) There's a thread somewhere explaining why this can't work with the color wheel. Right-clicking on the palette area does do this, however. 4) If you need to do this, just cut and then paste in to a new layer. Ctrl+X and then Ctrl+Shift+V. Your paper analogy does not translate quite right to digital imaging: when you cut apart the pieces of paper, you're essentially just working with multiple layers. "Real life paper handling" does not have the ability to overwrite "something" with "nothing", because the "nothing" part doesn't actually exist. In digital imaging, "nothing" exists as pixels with 0 for the alpha value, so we can actually move them around and manipulate them. 5) I don't believe Auto-Level is supposed to perfect the balance of the image such that it becomes an idempotent function on subsequent executions. Tom would know more.
  21. Heh I don't think that's the solution he's looking for ...
  22. Unfortunately I've been very busy with many other things. It's not a matter of just "thinking about it" because I'm not psychic and don't have the entire framework memorized. There's a lot of investigation that must be done to figure this stuff out. I have no idea what "your book" has written in it or why it's apparently authoritative.
  23. Goodness, how many plugins do you have? Heh, post a screenshot or something! I suppose it's better that there are lots of plugins available, than to have no plugins ...
  24. Ok good. Just keep your eyes peeled for other bugs over the next few weeks of using it.
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