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I attempted it but I need help on how to make the rips look more 3d.


I just used a black color filled :EllipseTool: . Next, I drew the rips using the :FreeformShapeTool:, and filled it with gradient. Lastly I used the shadow drop effect.

Someone please help with suggestions!!

punisherjb' steps should work well for this

Here's what I got:

What the.. :shock:

You don't like it? :(

I just used it because it was right here in the thread...and it was well suited for this modification. :D


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

punisherjb' steps should work well for this

Here's what I got:

What the.. :shock:

You don't like it? :(

I just used it because it was right here in the thread...and it was well suited for this modification. :D

It's nicely done as you always do.

But I don't like getting blown through a wall/paper :? :lol:


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

  • 2 weeks later...

quote="barkbark00"]punisherjb' steps should work well for this

Here's what I got:

yay i helped for once and made sence^^

also brilliant use of ash's robot head :P

recently converted from photoshop


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