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Premission - collection

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I request to the authors plugins give me premission on a free distribution of his each(or some of) plugins.Collection is very useful and comfortably to use and install.

In collection will be added author's plugin,who give me a premission,and don't added authors,who don't give me a premission on this collection.

Madjik,Ed harvey,Boltbait,Tanel,Rick Brewser,pyrochild,MKT,frankb,Toli,pyjo,Sepcot,sabrown100,evanolds,ploogle and all other,please allow or deny use your plugins for useful big collection for free distributing.

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"This forum is reserved for plugin publishing ONLY"


Moved to General Discussion and Questions.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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Plus, if I was a Plugin developer, I would rather have users visit my thread so that they could make a connection as to who developed it. For instance, what if Pyro's amazing Curves+ plugin made it to your collection? They wouldnt care to know who developed it, and then that joy of developing a useful plugin is lost because you get no feedback. Anyways, that is just my two cents :wink:


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For instance, what if Pyro's amazing Curves+ plugin made it to your collection? They wouldnt care to know who developed it, and then that joy of developing a useful plugin is lost because you get no feedback.

Quoted for truth ;)

Right now, usedHONDA is the only person with permission to redistribute all of my plugins.

One of my plugins coming up, currently known as Pineapple, will be released under a Creative Commons license, so you'll be able to redistribute that one without explicit permission.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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but i can write coryrights in installator and user can read it

The fact is, it isn't your copyright as

1. You haven't patented it

You don't have to register copyright - just record it - in the UK you don't even have to write it for it to apply.

2. You didn't make it.

I gather he means to us - not to him.

But yes - the users arn't going to bother finding out who wrote it or comment and you will have a lot of upgrading to do. Personally I still think we should go with the "plugin gallery" idea I wrote about ages ago.

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I mean i can write copyright of the authors of plugins in installator

Your using the wrong term.

1. You can't write copyright for property you don't own.

2. People don't care who contributed to help make this, they'll only thank you for providing a extremely shallow service.

3. If you mean credit them, you still have to ask the author if they want you to re-distrubute their property.

Please, learn how to use the right words in the right place.

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Hmmm... Russians laws strongly different than us or uk

i may write infomation about plugins and it's version and it's authors in installator window,and give link,where they are can be updated, what a problem now?

The fact that giving them a link to update it manually goes against the entire point of having a pack in the first place.

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Hmmm... Russians laws strongly different than us or uk

i may write infomation about plugins and it's version and it's authors in installator window,and give link,where they are can be updated, what a problem now?

They will blame the plugin developers when things go wrong and give you credit when things go right. I gather you will also put the copyright info.

If I were you I would write an application to download each plugin from the url (to provide up-to-date versions) and include copyright notices in the license agreement.

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As my attached signature states, I give permission for redistribution of unmodified versions of my plug-ins, as long as you realize that there are no warranties whatsoever on them. If you were to redistribute without properly stating this about my plug-ins then you may become legally responsible for them, so make sure you reiterate what I said.

Since the author of this thread PM'ed me, I was going to just PM this back but I decided to make a post so all the plug-in pack author's will (hopefully) read this before they make a pack. Plug-in packs are convenient for users, but seeing as how my license is very different from that of the next plug-in developer’s, whose license is different from that of the third, etc., your pack has to clearly state this clearly for each plug-in you include as well as copyright information, which will also differ for each plug-in. Please be aware that the ideas of copyright and terms of use are different and both very important.

I’m glad you would like to include my plug-ins in a pack, but for your own sake and the sake of the users, please keep the above in mind. You can put my plug-in(s) in your pack, provided that you state it has no warranty at all and that users use it at their own risk. I would also like you to provide a link to my website (http://www.evanolds.com) somewhere in your pack or pack’s list of credits. This post goes for anyone else who wishes to redistribute my plug-ins.

There are no warranties whatsoever on my plug-ins. Use them at your own risk. You may redistribute them if you'd like, but I'd prefer you just link to the download on my site. Please do not modify and redistribute.

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Would this be used at a Russian website? Because then I assume you'd have to write up a translation of what the effect does po-russkiy. Why couldn't you just write up a description of the effect in Russian, and then link to the appropriate section here?

Nice idea :),but not necessary write discription po-russky,because i may post images,what do this effects :) ,but description good idea,most of russians know english,and because most of tuttorial writed on english,they likes english versions of programm(however,someones likes russian versions of programms and all likes a translated tutorials)

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Hmmm... Russians laws strongly different than us or uk

i may write infomation about plugins and it's version and it's authors in installator window,and give link,where they are can be updated, what a problem now?

Users will never update it - I don't really like the idea of users being encouraged to have out-of-date versions of my plugins. Like I said, when they enjoy all their great new plugins they will praise you - when things go wrong you will blame the individual plugin developers.

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OK,i see most of plugin developers against plugins-pack.Now pack is unnecessary.I think,thread should be closen.

As you wish.

Thread Locked


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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