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How to enlarge toolbars?

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I bought a new computer yesterday and of course I had to download Paint.net. The only complication that I am having is that the toolbars are WAY too small! All of the icons are very small as well.

Perhaps it's because my laptop has very high resolution?

I had to resize the image in order to upload it...


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Control panel/All Control Panel Items/Display/Screen Resolution:
For me changing from (1920 * 1080 recommended) to (1600 * 900) does make the Pdn windows/toolbars larger. Unfortunately this also makes the display very blurry for me.
Personally, I'll live with the small toolbars ;)

off topic(related):
I found Setting up a short cut to my mouse wheel accuracy helps when using plugin U.I.s.
So I can quickly change from scrolling 10+ lines per turn when using browsers to one line for accurately positioning Pdn plugin sliders.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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An increase in the display settings is what I would also recommend to make paint.net's UI easier to see. I have been using my dpi set to 125% for a long time now.





Unfortunately, it sometimes effects plugin UI, for example, at the moment the shape maker plugin's UI and also zoom in/zoom out functionality is a bit off (I posted about it here).

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Actually I've now decided to go back to 100%.  Shape-maker and other custom U.I. effects do not display correctly at 125%.

I can see problems ahead with more users getting higher resolution systems while others want everything to fit on physically smaller (phone/tablet) screens?


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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Probably as the indirect U.I. plugins seem to display correctly. How is another matter!
Most of my plugins use the indirect U.I. but 'Scribble' use a custom U.I. (Null54 kindly did most of difficult part as custom was needed for xaml saving). If you have it installed, see where the g,y,q etc. are cut off at the bottom.
There is a non-xaml-saving/indirect U.I. version that displays correctly (linked to on my pack thread), if users have a severe problem with it.

TR did the coding for shape-maker and I believe did some HD testing with Midora and it is usable at 125% ... but the layout is very odd?
Since they are both very capable programmers, I suspect the problem is not an easy one.


Red ochre Plugin pack.............. Diabolical Drawings ................Real Paintings



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