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Yes, post your pictures please. And preferably in the order you want them in as well. I only ask as some colour adjustment or lighting may have to be altered to one or two of the pictures and it would make it easier to identify them and offer plugins or tutorials. For example: 'oh, picture number two needs more red to match with three, but number one needs to be brighter around the sky to match with two. You'll need Curves+'. See?

So, after my long-winded answer, yes please :D.


Wow, nice scenery, I can see why you wanted a panorama.

As for the pictures, I see there isn't that much difference between them colour/lighting-wise, therefore doing as spike 121 suggested is going to be the main task. Image > Canvas size will be essential not to cut any edges off prematurely, so if you could jot down the total dimensions of all three pictures together height and width would be handy, and yes, as spike 121 said: layers, have each picture on it own layer and using the Move Pixel tool (:MoveTool:) will enable you to freely move each picture around on its own layer.

Any touching up needed I would suggest Adjustments > Curves and have a play around with the RGB and Luminosity modes, although I would strongly recommended a plugin called Curves+. As the name suggests the plugin is an advancement to the built-in Curves feature and adds such functionality as extra modes and also the ability to save and load curve sessions which would be handy if you need to close Paint.NET and return to the image later. You could also try Adjustments > Levels.

Any blemishes - dust, finger marks etc. - can be removed with the use of the Clone Stamp (:CloneStamp:). Simply hold the Ctrl key and click to select what you wish to clone, release Ctrl and brush around the desired area.

That should be all but if you get into any bother or you're unsure about something, ask. Your pictures are quite evenly taken so hopefully not much work will be needed.

Hope this helps :D.


I'd add to what Myrddin said only one thing. And I can't see the images (stupid workplace proxy block...), but if they overlap, you'll probably want to use Feather on the top image. It'll make the cut a lot more even.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.


Yes, that helped a lot. I was able to patch them together last night, although its still noticeable where it was done. I think part of it was that I didn't use the feather plugin right, so I'll have to try it again.

Also, is there a way to easily "straighten" photos in paint (I'm use to using the function in Picasa)? My last photo seems to need this adjustment, as my tripod must have been at a slight angle as I panned across.

Also, when I was working on this I tried to make one of the pictures transparent, so I could fit it over the other one in the correct location. However I found that I was unable to undo the effect without undoing all of the effects before it. Is there a way of doing this that I'm missing?


For the straightening you can use the Layers > Rotate / Zoom (on the desired layer) and adjust the angle. Although, be warned, by adjusting the angle some edges may go out of canvas and cut them off, so I would suggests doing that one picture on a brand new canvas - larger than the picture - then copy an paste back in. This is how I would do it, doesn't mean there aren't better ways. I also suggested the Rotate / Zoom as I find it gives a better quality than right-click and rotate the the Move Pixels Tool (that's another way :wink:).

For transparency, double click on the respective layer and adjust the Opacity. Adjust back up to 255 when you're happy with the position.


I like your photo...You are in luck :) Hope you like it!

Patched 8)


Made a little adjustments :)


My photobucket can only do 1024 since it's free account.

PM your email to me if you want the full version.

The 2 files appx. 9mb, make sure your email can handle it.


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]


:shock: :D

I do believe, that shows how hopelessly inadequate I am at patching these things together right now. I had no idea that it could look so seamless.

Thank you Ash.

I guess its a good thing that I couldn't upload the full version of those photos onto photobucket. They are 3872 x 2592 and about 3 mbs a piece.


I don't think that will work. Each of the photos were about 1mb when I uploaded them, so its over the limit in that way too.

You could reduce the image quality and make it fit though... don't know if there is much sense in that though

:shock: :D

I do believe, that shows how hopelessly inadequate I am at patching these things together right now. I had no idea that it could look so seamless.

Thank you Ash.

I guess its a good thing that I couldn't upload the full version of those photos onto photobucket. They are 3872 x 2592 and about 3 mbs a piece.

Just keep trying, I been using PDN to adjust photos when I started using PDN..then went on to drawing stuff :)

EDIT: Just checked your dA page, nice photos :)

Do you want the 2631x803 version? PM your email to me and make sure you email account can handle it.

If you don't mind, I would like to have those 3mb files to work with :)

I am still working on your photo trying to get rid of the Over exposure middle part :P


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]


When I made the comment about the 1 MB limit, I knew that he still wouldn't be able to upload the panorama for you, it was just that Ash, and no doubt others, sounded hindered by the small pixel size and that increasing that to 1 MB might help him in the future. You should still PM him, or Ash could .zip it and upload it to MediaFire or another host.


I just realized there was a second page.. opps

I like the 2nd and 3rd one, although its a flip of a coin on which one I like more. I think the 2nd one is the color that it should be, although the 3rd adds a lot more contrast, which is always nice to see. Probably didn't help that these were taken in foggy weather though (It pretty much rained the entire time I was in Pennsylvanian).

http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=a459 ... 78da735b27

Thats the link I just PM'ed you, but just in case.


Wow, that's cool. I wish it had been a day like that. I'm guessing those clouds were rendered in Paint?

I attempted to make a patch today with the full sized photos. I got a insufficient memory error, before I loaded them all in. haha.

I should probably try doing this patching business with some simpler images until I get the hang of it... as I'm not having much luck with these ones.

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