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paint.net tutorial site

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I like the glossy effect and how even English speakers can read your site.

Maybe an Italian and English version, like at the top where you can select your preferred language. For an example, look at the Dafont.com logo to the left where it has the option for either English or French.

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Yes, but there is non-English text around the site and I know for a fact that immediately being hit with a foreign language sends some people into confusion and you could lose visitors.

Now, I'm not saying don't do it in Italian, I would never suggest it, but for the fact you've brought the website to an English speaking Forum (and I mean in writing, I do know the there are international users around) it would be beneficial to have alternative text for the ones who can't speak Italian.

But as you quite rightly pointed out, and have done so on the website, the tutorials are in pictorial form so can be easily followed, I'm just pointing out about the confused people about the world.

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lo so... volendo potrei anche tradurre ma avrei bisogno di qualcuno che mi aiutasse. come hai potuto vedere il mio inglese fà pena.

I know… wanting I could also translate but I would have need of someone that helped me. as you have been able to see my English ago pain.

I'm Italian! speak English slooooowly!!! XDDD


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Bob hit the nail on the head, if you will.

The look of the site is great, apart from the scrolling Marquee text. The first time around, it looks passable, since they're all scrolling at the same time, but the shorter text strings repeat before the longer ones do, so after the first scroll it looks messy and distracting.

From a code standpoint, I'm going to assume you're using some form of WYSIWYG program to put it together. Either that, or you have superhuman markup deciphering ability. That markup is nigh impossible to follow! And there is never a reason for an element to have an id and inline style. The id style only applies to that element anyway, so the program should put it in there...

But I digress. This is a Paint.NET forum, and the part done in Paint.NET looks great. :)

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I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

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Wow, why didn't I see this thread before? Anyway,

When I saw the title of the thread the first thing I thought of was to link to the Paint.NET Wikibook, but now that I see you already crated one, I must say that it looks pretty good (though I don't know a word of what it says).


zomglmaorofllol! Man, I'm going to be using that when I write emails! Bloody potato is the next generation of memes!

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Interesting... [...] the marquee tag does get around a lot of javascript.

*Gracefully slam his head against the nearest wall, classical music being played in the background*

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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Interesting... [...] the marquee tag does get around a lot of javascript.

*Gracefully slam his head against the nearest wall, classical music being played in the background*

Don't get me wrong,I'm not saying it's my favorite tag (or visual effect...I'm very much an xhtml/css purist when I can get away with it...as well as a user of the Functional Accessibility Evaluator so I make sure my code is WCAG-compliant), but I do have clients that want something in the way of a "news ticker", and it's always felt kludgey to me to have to hack it in with javascript and timeouts.

A nice, configurable "autoscroll" element where you could set speed, direction, pauses, interval distance (in em, px, pt, or %), and direction would be extremely helpful in certain cases.

drakaan sig jan 2020.png

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