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Adding an image to a new layer

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I have recently downloaded Paint.net, because i want to have a few more options than i have when using MS Paint.

However, i find Paint.net to be an uphill struggle just like Photoshop where one also have to read through tons of manuals just to do simple stuff.

I'm hoping that paint.net will get rid of this "evil" as time and further development goes by.

Now to my problem:

I have one image in the background layer and i have created another layer where i want a new image to be this should, IMO, be the most simple task, but I can't figure out how to do it !

It would be nice if users had the ability to just right-click on the layer and then have an option to import an image and also to remove the background (don't know if this can be done)

I also think the lasso tool works very wierd, but i have once used it with great success.


I figured out how to do it myself :oops:

Layers => Import From File

But i still think that this option should be available in the layers window also !

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Glad you found it.

The only reason your having trouble with Paint.NET is because you've never experienced the type of interface before. Trust me, give it time and it will become clear as day.

If you think PdN is hard to understand...try the GIMP :?

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former"

[ dA Paint.NET Chat :: Yata on dA ]

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Glad you found it.

The only reason your having trouble with Paint.NET is because you've never experienced the type of interface before. Trust me, give it time and it will become clear as day.

If you think PdN is hard to understand...try the GIMP :?

Or Photoshop...

God, the only thing I can do with Photoshop is make speech bubbles.

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Hi guys

I have also had a very brief experience with GIMP - install... uninstall !


I have tried Photoshop and PDN looks a lot like it IMO

regarding userfriendlyness i think that this should be the absolute keyword for the PDN project - IMO the World don't need yet another advanced drawing/image editing program, but we could certainly use one that is intuitive and thereby userfriendly.

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IMO the World don't need yet another advanced drawing/image editing program, but we could certainly use one that is intuitive and thereby userfriendly.

PDN is user friendly and still an advance drawing/image editing program.

Try Gimp and PScs3 And PDN is by far easiest to use 8)


All creations Ash + Paint.NET [ Googlepage | deviantArt | Club PDN | PDN Fan ]

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Well, maybe i'm just very narrow minded (i think i am !), however, i still think that the learning curve is rather steep for a person (like me) who is used to use MS Paint ! - MS Paint gets the job done for me most of the time, however, its limitations (the lack of layers, magic wands, magnetic lasso, the ability to rotate objects outside the predefined angles and scewing up images when saved as gif or jpg ) is quite an annoyance.

If MS Paint got these tools and kept being so userfriendly then i would never consider to use another drawing tool.

However, i think that PDN appears to be a great tool and i'm quite sure that it will be improved in the years to come - maybe wi'll one day be so lucky that it will include a magnetic lasso like the one found in Photoshop, because that tool really rocks IMO

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That won't be implemented until (I'm guessing) 4.?

Yeahh, I know - even though it seems to be the most requested feature according to the Popular Feature Requests thread, but i'll guess the devs. have it in another timetable than we do !

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would really love to know at what timeframe the devs are targeting the magnetic lasso.

Somehow noone can or is willing to reveal any information about when it's going to be part of PAINT.NET.

Maybe it's the 'killer feature' that might qualify PAINT.NET for something that will generate money in some way?

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I would really love to know at what timeframe the devs are targeting the magnetic lasso.

Somehow noone can or is willing to reveal any information about when it's going to be part of PAINT.NET.

Maybe it's the 'killer feature' that might qualify PAINT.NET for something that will generate money in some way?

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Thanks, but why do you post those links? Neither says that v4 is going to support magnetic lasso.

Also, did I do something wrong by asking about the timeframe for it or why did you link to the RULES thread?

I already did a search regarding magnetic lasso but did not find an answer about it's timeframe, that's how I found this thread.

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Thanks, but why do you post those links? Neither says that v4 is going to support magnetic lasso.

Also, did I do something wrong by asking about the timeframe for it or why did you link to the RULES thread?

I already did a search regarding magnetic lasso but did not find an answer about it's timeframe, that's how I found this thread.

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Rick has mentioned in other threads that this type of tool, if it were to be implemented, would not be until 4.0 or later.

In the Popular Feature Requests thread, the second link in Yata's post, it says:

Magnetic Lasso -- This is requested a lot. Tom wants to do this but we have no ETA.

emphasis added

That means even Rick has no definite answer as to when.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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Rick has mentioned in other threads that this type of tool, if it were to be implemented, would not be until 4.0 or later.

In the Popular Feature Requests thread, the second link in Yata's post, it says:

Magnetic Lasso -- This is requested a lot. Tom wants to do this but we have no ETA.

emphasis added

That means even Rick has no definite answer as to when.

I am not a mechanism, I am part of the resistance;

I am an organism, an animal, a creature, I am a beast.

~ Becoming the Archetype

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