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Help with applying texture to a picture

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OK, here is the easy (not so professional) way to do it:

1. Open the chair image

2. Open the cloth image

3. Edit > Select All on the cloth image and press Edit > Copy

4. Switch over to the chair image

5. Edit > Paste to a new layer (Ctrl-Shift-V) - do not expand canvas!

6. Your cloth layer should be selected. Do Adjustment > Invert Colors

7. Select the chair level and Adjustments > Invert colors

8. Select the upper, cloth layer and press F4 (layer properties)

9. Change the layer property to Multiply, then click OK.


10. Image > Flatten

11. Adjustments > Invert colors



Slightly more professional result:

12. After doing the above, Layer > Open from file, select your original chair image.

13. Press F4 (layer properties)

14. Change the layer blending mode to Multiply and the Opacity to about 128. Click OK.

15. Adjustments > Brightness / Contrast. Increase brightness and contrast until you like the image.



Hope this helps!

EDIT: Now, as I said, this is the quick, not-so-professional way to do it. A professional would break the texture up into smaller pieces so the "grain" of the texture matched each surface of the chair.

Also, this plugin may do the whole thing for you: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/topic/19666-apply-texture/





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I gave an answer similar to racerx's in this thread here:




My answer talked about using a color, but the idea of using layers and the blending mode should be similar.

Have your cloth material on it's own layer above the chair, and set it's blending mode to overlay.

If you want to adjust the lightness of the chair, click on the chair's layer and then go up to the Menu Bar > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast, or levels, or curves.

If you want to further adjust the color of the object, click on the fabric layer and go to the Adjustments tab and try playing around with Hue/Saturation, or Levels, or Curves.

You can learn about paint.net's adjustments here : http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/AdjustmentsMenu.html

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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resize the couch image to the same width as the texture

on a seperate layer use line/curve tool to create the panel shape

Copy the texture and paste as a new layer

rotate texture layer using Rotate/Zoom under Layers Menu

select the panel layer use the magic wand to select around the panel shape.

select the texture layer and delete


Repeat as needed




I wasn't trying to be accurate , just fast

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Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Nice TR! You actually went into the effort of telling how to re-align the fabric's grain correctly, so that the fabric matched the chair's different parts.

About the first step though, would increasing the size of the chair really be necessary? Or, would it be fine to resize either one, the chair or fabric, as long as they are sized to be the same width?

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About the first step though, would increasing the size of the chair really be necessary? Or, would it be fine to resize either one, the chair or fabric, as long as they are sized to be the same width?

It's a pain resizing the texture every time. If the chair image is larger than the texture - resize the texture.

Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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Resize texture > duplicate the resized texture > edit the duplicated texture. As long as you have an unaltered re-sized texture layer, could duplicating be a good idea for working with the re-sized texture instead of the object? You can duplicated as many times as needed, and also merge the duplicates to keep the layers manageable.


I'm mentioning this because resizing things to become bigger, is often not ideal to keep things looking good. It's better to re-size smaller rather than resize to larger.

Edited by Cc4FuzzyHuggles
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Resize texture > duplicate the resized texture > edit the duplicated texture. As long as you have an unaltered re-sized texture layer, could duplicating be a good idea for working with the re-sized texture instead of the object? You can duplicated as many times as needed, and also merge the duplicates to keep the layers manageable.


I'm mentioning this because resizing things to become bigger, is often not ideal to keep things looking good. It's better to re-size smaller rather than resize to larger.


While you are technically correct, though PDN downsizer is also questionable, TR's example is just a proof of concept. No one really cares about resize quality in that context.


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Well I'm glad everyone is having fun with this post, but I'm still stuck. Even after listening to youtube video. There's something I'm doing wrong, way wrong. Here is what I'm getting. Is there anyone that can please give step-by-step instructions? I just changed the fabric.


Edited by sisterearth
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1) Open your chair image in PDN. It should be on layer #1

2) Create new empty layer, then copy and paste your texture into that layer. It should be layer #2

3) Double-Click on layer #2. That will bring up the layer properties.

4) Change the "Blending Mode" from "Normal" to "Overlay"

5) Use the eraser to remove texture from leg posts on layer #2


If you still can't figure it out, I'm sure Cc4FuzzyHuggles will be along to help........

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resize the couch image to the same width as the texture

on a seperate layer use line/curve tool to create the panel shape

Copy the texture and paste as a new layer

rotate texture layer using Rotate/Zoom under Layers Menu

select the panel layer use the magic wand to select around the panel shape.

select the texture layer and delete


Repeat as needed

If you want to try my method, I made a video (watch full screen HD )


Go out there and be amazing. Have Fun, TR
Some Pretty Pictures Some Cool Plugins

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