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Adding Alpha Channel for Transparent Backgrounds

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I love Paint.net, and I'd love to be able to add alpha channel transparency without resorting to GIMP. I am assuming I can't do the following inside of Paint.net; if this is already possible, please let me know.

But here's what I have been doing to work with transparency: bring up GIMP to add an alpha channel and set part of an image to transparent. Save and use in Paint.net.

Today, for example, I wanted to create a M + W logo, and the result looked like this:


  • I set the font to Engravers MT, put a red W on an image.
  • Selected "All", copied to clipboard, then pasted to a new image.
  • Vertically flipped the new image, making it an M, changed color to blue using Recolor tool. Saved it as PNG, closed image.
  • Started GIMP, opened the blue M image.
  • On GIMP menu, selected Layer --> Transparency --> Add Alpha Channel
  • Used Fuzzy Select Tool to select the area outside the blue M
  • Hit delete key to remove color of fuzzy selection (converting it to transparent)
  • Save image as PNG and exit GIMP.
  • Back in Paint.net, open the M image.
  • Select All of Image, copy to clipboard.
  • Paste into New Layer of W image.
  • Adjust position of this transparent selection layer to achieve desired resutl as above.
  • Save the completed image.
I find GIMP to be very hard to work with, and prefer working with Paint.net. It would be so nice to be able to create an alpha channel and make a transparent area of an image inside of Paint.net.

If this can be done already, I'd love to know how.

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Why not just;  


Open Paint.net


Make a new layer


Use the text tool,select the type font you want,type the letter M in the color you want it


Duplicate this layer and under layers,flip vertical,recolor to your choice


Delete the white background layer and now you should see the checkerboard layer meaning it is transparent


Adjust the letter layers to where you like them and merge them both


Save as a png



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When you open a new image in paint.net, by default, it is filled with white. To make anything transparent, simply select it and press delete (or erase with the eraser tool)

New layers are transparent-colored when you first create them, which is why skullbonz suggests (and I do too) in the post above that you create a new layer as your first step.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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You don't have to add an Alpha channel - it's already a component of each and every pixel in paint.net.


Simply place the text on transparent layer(s) and save it in a format that preserves transparency.



Totally ninja'd by 'noob.

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  • 2 months later...

You don't have to add an Alpha channel - it's already a component of each and every pixel in paint.net.


Simply place the text on transparent layer(s) and save it in a format that preserves transparency.



Totally ninja'd by 'noob.

I'm trying to make sprays for Team Fortress 2, which doesn't accept png's. I use the Targa format and need an Alpha channel. Does this mean that I just save a png with a transparent background as a .tga and it will automatically make an Alpha?

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The Alpha channel is quite literally the transparency/opacity channel. Some filetypes don't support transparency (ex: JPG). PNG files support transparency. That's why you can save a picture with a transparent background if you save it as a PNG file.

This is an old thread, so I'm going to lock it (see forum rule #11). If you have more questions, simply create a new thread for it.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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