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Plugin: Testing if a point falls within the current user selection.

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Hey guys,

Newbie here. I'm currently developing a plugin for Paint.NET that uses Poisson Interpolation (think Photoshop's healing tool). The only thing holding me back is detecting whether a given pixel falls within the user selection (strictly the user selection, not the bounding rectangle). How can I accomplish this?

And in general, is there documentation for developing plugins?

Thanks, Micah

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For information on writing plugins, I recommend a read of the info on BoltBait's website: http://www.BoltBait.com (you've met CodeLab right?).  Also check out the Plugin Developers Central section of this forum: http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/17-plugin-developers-central/


You don't need to worry about clipping to the current selection.  This is handled automatically for you by Paint.NET.  Just write all the pixels to the destination (dst).  Selection clipping will be applied before the dst is written to the layer.

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Yeah I know that Paint.NET automatically handles clipping for me...

Perhaps I should be more direct; the algorithm I'm using needs to know the specific pixels that are on the boundary of the user selection in order to interpolate the interior with them. If you guys have any inclination as to how that could be done it would be much appreciated.

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<Moved to Plugin Developers Central>

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