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Filling/shading a rasterized (?) shape

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I have captured a GIS image from a government website that shows the boundary lines of real property parcels. I would like one of these parcels to be highlighted to make it easier to spot among all the others. This particular GIS site appears to render the boundary lines in a rasterized (is that the right word?) format instead of a vectored format so instead of an actual smooth, continuous line I get a bunch of little one and two pixel segments that have diagonal gaps at their corners - this means that if I use the fill bucket tool I end up covering the entire image with the highlighting color and not just the one parcel.

I have attached a closeup of the jagged (rasterized?) line here in case the above wasn't clear.


Is there any hope of me being able to quickly and easily fill in the area that isn't completely enclosed at the pixel level?

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Actually, it doesn't look like there are any gaps in that line. What you need to do is lower the tolerance on the paintbucket tool and make sure the flood mode is set to "contiguous."

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Actually, it doesn't look like there are any gaps in that line. What you need to do is lower the tolerance on the paintbucket tool and make sure the flood mode is set to "contiguous."

Holy bloody potato that worked!

Where can I find information on changing the defaults? I did a search and found but the link to the solution presented on that page is dead.

Edited by mingano
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Changing defaults: Tool Bar | Tools (dropdown list) | Choose Defaults

More >> http://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/Toolbar.html

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