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Content Aware Fill and Scale in Paint.NET ?

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I've seen these two today and both features are just mind blowing. I could use these almost daily and doing by hand takes ages where these specialized filters perform the given task in seconds with near perfection. But Photoshop is a bit too expensive and i never really liked GIMP for some reason. However i do like Paint.NET a lot (my primary image editor on all my systems) and would really like to see these features in Paint.NET. Is there any chance we could see these features anytime soon?

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You can do the same thing (as the content aware scale) by just selecting the stuff to the left of the object, scaling it, then selecting the stuff to the right and scaling that too. If you want to scale vertically, select things above, scale it, then select stuff below and scale it. It's really simple. All photoshop did was automate it. Watch the first video in the second link. The trees above the lady stay the same while all the others get squished. Reproducing content aware scaling is actually very quick and easy. Content aware fill...not so much.

Edited by pdnnoob

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo

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It's not the same even for scaling because when you do it it looks weird, but here it doesn't. Besides, the whole point of it is being automated. I can make everything Photoshop can using MS paint, but it would take few weeks to get the results, so why bother right, if it can be automated?

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'Content aware resizing' would be another name for seam carving (Wiki this).

It's a feature that is not yet available in Paint.net as a one-click solution. You might have a look at @pyrochild's exellent Liquify plugin.

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I used the same technique as making toy cars, just select the area between the person and castle squish it 50% and then run gravity plugin. I tried it on the castle pic from the link that EER posted and it looks fine, the clouds look a little different but only when compared to the original, I am sure someone who never saw the original wouldn't notice. Obviously it wouldn't work so good on all images but until some genius writes a PDN plugin ( and there are plenty here ) I suppose thats all we have.

Also I have the liquify plugin and tried that but wasn't sure what I should do with it to replicate that effect.

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