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What type file do I need?

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I have a project where the picture I make will be blown up to roughly 2 ft. W. by 3 ft. H. and as a png. or jpg. it loses quality in doing this. What file type would I need to make it, for this not to happen and will I need another program to do this? Or can I already choose this kind of file type in pdn? I am making a baseball diamond with text and grass if that helps. ;)



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Ok, lets do a little math:

2ft by 3ft in is 24 inches by 36 inches. With me so far? B)

Let's guess a printing resolution of 200dpi (dpi = dots per inch, which is how much 'stuff' the printer will squeeze onto the page in a given space).

At 200 dpi we would need 200 dots for every inch of image, so that's 24x200 by 36x200 or an image 4800pixels by 7200pixels.

So if you create your image at 4800x7200 pixels and print it at 200 dpi it should come out bang-on and won't require enlargement (and therefore suffer from pixelization as a result).

From this example, you can see that a lower dpi will result in a smaller image, and a higher dpi will result in a much larger image. As a reference, most monitors run at 96dpi.

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I'm back! :mrgreen:


JPG's lose quality when you save an image. This is a result of the compression used to squish the image to a smaller size.

PNG's are lossless (remember this - there will be a test later).

Having created your masterpiece, do you want to worry about the filesize, or do you want to print it in all it's glory? The latter answer, right? So what filetype you gonna use? P.....!

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I learned a lot here O_o

Also, there's a .png lossless compression plugin floating around here somewhere if you're interested. Definitely don't do .jpg, I learned that after a few months of use. It losses quality, and just ends up looking blurry compared to .png files

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(I'm not sure if it really is lossless...)

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Man I could have sworn in the topic it mentioned the plugin being lossless.

I haven't noticed any degradation when I've used it. Granted, I've never used it a lot, and I don't think I really stared it down to see differences. I DO know it makes the file size smaller though lol

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Thank you for your help Ego, I did not know that formula. That explains a lot of things that I have wondered about. I knew that png.'s were lossless and kind of understood it but now I understand it more. I have never had any schooling on this but I am learning as I go and every little bit helps,thanks again. I will get to work with your formula and see what I can do.

Oh and to answer your test question,lol; I would make it a png. at 4800 X 7200 pixels,I can do that with this pc. :)



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OptiPNG is lossless, AFAIK. I've been using it for ages, never had any quality loss. And it's usually smaller than the same sized JPG at anything over about 50% quality.


The Doctor: There was a goblin, or a trickster, or a warrior... A nameless, terrible thing, soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it, or reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.
Amy: But how did it end up in there?
The Doctor: You know fairy tales. A good wizard tricked it.
River Song: I hate good wizards in fairy tales; they always turn out to be him.

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