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My first project-unfinished

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I apologize in advance if I have this under the wrong forum boltbait.roll.png

Today I learned a lot on how to work the Paint.net. Thanks to all of you who took the time to create and post the tutorials and all of you who added on to them - it helped me out a lot when there was something I didn't understand.

Wanted to get your honest opinions on what I've done so far and ask a slightly far-fetched question

My question is this - can I put a mirror-like overlay on my subjects eyes without taking away anything from the color and character of my subject? I tried with the wavy mirror effect but it didn't turn out. I am trying to turn this actor into a very scary yet sexy vampire ( I'm trying for something a little different). I know I need to do a lot of touching-up but am not sure as to what is the best technique. I did lighten his skin using the "colored eye" technique...I think I need to lighten it up more.

Another question - How do I get a realistic blood spatter look (wet liquid look)?

Any help (or even criticizim) is greatly appreciated


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The Pictorium ( http://forums.getpaint.net/index.php?/forum/16-the-pictorium/ ) would be the place to ask for critique of your work.

There is even a thread called Advanced Critique ( ) if you think your image/questions aren't suited to the Image Hospital ( ).

You would be best to repost in either of those threads. I'll lock this thread just to keep things tidy.


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