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I frequently use the lines/curve tool for filling in large items on the documents (maps) which I update.In the past, I have had no trouble doing this, but I now find that the lines no longer merge into one another, but overlap. I get the same effect when using the paintbrush tool. It is probably something that I am doing incorrectly, but blowed if I know what.

Can someone please give me some advice?




I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but I think you are talking about "anti-alias." In the toolbar across the top, there is something that looks like this :AntiAliasingDisabled: or this :AntiAliasingEnabled: . If it looks like the first, click on it and change it to the second. If not, I don't understand what is wrong and a picture would help clear things up.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

Blend modes are like the filling in your sandwich. It's the filling that can change your experience of the sandwich. ~Ego Eram Reputo


Thanks a lot. I'v tried the anti-aliasing, already, and it made no difference. This is the problem I have. The lines are going on in layers, as you can see.




Thanks, but the transparency setting is intentional. As I said, I have not had this problem before. Here is an example of why I require transparency, besides obtaining the desired colour intensity. As you can see, the original footpaths and markings are still visible, which saves time having to reinsert them.




The second step to MadJik's suggestion would be to lower the opacity for the new layer. This way all the lines will be opaque with respect to each other, but then as a whole they will overlay over the rest of the image with translucency.

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