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Cleanup text

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I'm having trouble entering black text with the text tool (11 pt.). There are lots of pixels in various shades of gray to black around the text. Frequently joining the letters together. How can I clean most of this up? I've tried googling this, but Google doesn't seem to see the difference between Paint.net and paint (as in house paint). Thank you.

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Hi Stonepeter, welcome to the Paint.net forum!

You've posted your question in the Newbie Playground. This is a sub-forum of the Tutorials section, and as such is reserved for the publishing of tutorials.

I'll move this thread to the General Discussion & Questions section for you.


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I do not have this issue, but two things to try.

It's unlikely, but you may have changed your Fill Pattern. When you select the Text Tool, toward the right of the toolbar will be a drop down menu titled "Fill: [something]". The standard is Solid Color, if it is not solid color, change it back to solid color.

Otherwise, the first button to the right of this menu is a toggle between Anti-Aliased and Aliased images. The Anti-Aliased option makes text look smoother, by applying transparent pixels. An Aliased image is pixel-thin text, and it doesn't look too good. What you're describing is possibly horrible rendering of the anti-aliased text for whichever font you are using (which you did not mention so it was harder to diagnose this).

Hopefully I could help you somewhat with this issue. It's something I haven't heard of before.

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What font are you using? What you describe is normal for "dirty" fonts, graffiti fonts, handwriting fonts or, simply, low quality fonts. Also, some fonts show better at a smaller size and some at a larger size.

Try changing the font and see what happens. Test using one of the non-serif fonts that come with Windows like Arial, Verdana or Tahoma.


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i once had a similar problem, or so i thought..

in the end it turned out to be an incorrect display setting on my computer(wrong monitor resolution) and nothing to do with PDN at all

while im not saying thats what your issue is, be sure not to get tunnle vission in your search for a cure


SARCASM- Just one of the many services I offer free to the public.

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What font are you using? What you describe is normal for "dirty" fonts, graffiti fonts, handwriting fonts or, simply, low quality fonts. Also, some fonts show better at a smaller size and some at a larger size.

Try changing the font and see what happens. Test using one of the non-serif fonts that come with Windows like Arial, Verdana or Tahoma.

You are correct--it is related to to the font. I had been trying San Serif fonts such as Arial etc. I can now see that some fonts reproduce better at 10 pt others at 11pt etc. I will do a little experimentation to find what fonts work best at each of the smaller point sizes.

By the way I had anti-aliasing enabled and fill set to solid color.

Thanks to the three of you for your suggestions.


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