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how to make a transparent, invisible icon?

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Found this:

To make a transparent bitmap you must make sure that the bitmap has been converted to Indexed 256 colour. 24bit Bitmaps will not make a transparent image. Make sure that pixel (0,0) in the top left most part of the picture has the colour you want to be transparent.

And this:

I confirm that bitmaps doesn't support transparency, it is just a convention to take the top-left pixel as transparent color,

So it looks like you need to save as an 8-bit BMP, and make the top left pixel the color you wish to be transparent. BUT it doesn't look like all applications support the transarency in BMPs (like FireFox).

Q: Why BMP and not ICO file format? We have a plugin that does the ICO format Icon, Cursor & Animated Cursor Format

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My idea is to replace the Windows Start button with a transparent icon (to go on my transparent taskbar) and the easiest way to do that, that I could find, is a program called Windows Start Button Changer which will only work with bmp's.

If I did it in some other format how would I do it?

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No idea. Sorry. Changing your Start Button is not the sort of question covered in this forum. Try Google or Bing.

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