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Air Brush Question

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I have looked everywhere,downloaded and installed all of the plugins available but can not find anything that resembles an Air brush. Is there such a plugin? Is it within another plugin and I can't see it? Or is there not one and it remains to be created?



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There is the custom brushes plugin and at least one air brushing tutorial. Search harder Grasshopper boltbait.big_smile.png

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Would that be the "Custom Brushes Mini" by Simon B ? I have that one and it doesn't work right,or I just can't figure it out,lol. All I can get are black circles that I can change the size and speed of,but no other choices. I'm looking for the spray paint look.



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Custom Brushes. Read the thread to learn how to install & use them. They will do the spray paint look so you'll just have to learn to use it (note the tutorial link at the bottom of the first post boltbait.wink.png)

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Thank you for your help,the old link for the "Custom Brushes" in your list is discontinued and it says use the "Custom Brushes Mini". I have those and will read the tutorial and learn to use them. I searched for hours,don't know how I missed your thread with all the plugins listed. It is probably stickied and I didn't look up,lol,I'm getting old,lol. I love playing with this program and can't learn enough. It just takes me a little while sometimes,I have no real technical background but do ok. Thanks again. :)



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The post two above this has the correct link. There have been several releases of the Custom Brushes plugin - that's why there are several entries in the Plugin Index.

If you have trouble with the plugin, post your questions in the thread related to the plugin.

The Plugin Index isn't stickied, but has it's own redirection link on the plugin page. There is a link in my sig if you get desperate boltbait.big_smile.png

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Thanks for your help. I looked thru and downloaded several brush packs. Although there are some pretty good brushes out there I just don't see what I am looking for. I have been reading all day and can safely say it's not there. There also are several outdated or missing links at that link above. I am looking for the spray look you get in Windows Paint or Gimp2 but do not want to use those inferior programs to get it,lol. Kind of like from a spray can from a couple feet away,more you spray the heavier it gets. If I can do this within Paint.net while working on projects I think I can add some cool effects with some of the other plugins. Most of those brushes give the smudge look,the splatter look was close but looked too much like splatter instead of spray. The rest are more shape looks. Thanks for your help and now I have the mini brushes working so I can use them for other things.



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I since have gone back to brushbreezy and I think I've downloaded 20 so far,lol,lol,some cool ones that might give me the end result I am looking for. I need it before the Steampunk contest,lol. I have a pretty good idea for it Barbie,wait til you see it. I think I can do it with these other brushes and it will look better,lol. Thanks for the help Ego,I love this place,I just can't stop trying to learn more. I'm addicted,heh,heh,heh,well there's worse addictions,heh,heh.



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I see why you gave it up. They are more of a shape fill than a brush. I have a whole rack of these shapes and can't think of how I can use them. I have one that looks like a fire ball,that is the only one I might be able to do anything with right now. It was very difficult to figure out how to use this and it has limited capabilities.

I am looking for something like a splatter with uniform size spots that can be adjusted in size and quantity. Best way to put it in english is to say I want a spray paint look you get from a can of spray paint,I think they sell theose all over the world so everyone should know what it looks like. Or like we have in the starter paint programs. Usually it is included as one of your tools right next to the brush or pencil tools.

Grasshopper shall keep searching. B)



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