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Visual Paint

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A rip-off of Paint.NET I would say....

Yes, I can read "Michael J. Hardy, Lead Developer / Programmer" but nothing about Rick Brewster.

"Visual Paint Freeware Technology may

be Subject to change from Freeware to Shareware which at

this point we will have to charge at least $13.00 per copy...

This may be a while though... For Now it is Freeware!"


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THAT IS PAINT.NET!!! and it does not seem like he mentions ANYTHING about "Paint.NET" the name/developers/or ANYTHING!, it just seems like he changed the name, and made a website!

Tisk Tisk

Yes, Paint.NET 2.72.

That Hardy added plugins available here and that's all.

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I e-mailed him, and with a quick responce he gave me:

"read the docs you ****** i give full credit to the authors donot email me again"

My original question, was...

"Excuse me, I've recently visited your site, and it looks ODDLY Familyer to a program of the name "Paint.NET" while I see no credit? Can you please direct me to were you give credit to the creator? IF ITS Paint.NET, If not, good luck! with your program!"

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Looks like he might be ripping off everyone's plugins as well, judging from the screenshot. I'm investigating this.

In the mean time, feel free to e-mail him your thoughts ...

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Please don't send him flame e-mails, that will just escalate things and not turn into a good situation.

It's my job to defend my copyright, so please let me do that. Thanks.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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"Excuse me, I've recently visited your site, and it looks ODDLY Familyer to a program of the name "Paint.NET" while I see no credit? Can you please direct me to were you give credit to the creator? "

The only credit is in License.txt:

"Code Lab for Paint.NET

Copyright © 2006 Tom Jackson

Portions Copyright © 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved."

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He had said, in the next e-mail...

Anyway Yes I used the sources from paint.net however, I am not in any violation of their license their license said anybody can do what ever they want with the sources and program even sell it and modify it i do not sell it however, i did modify it and added a few features...

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He had said, in the next e-mail...

Anyway Yes I used the sources from paint.net however, I am not in any violation of their license their license said anybody can do what ever they want with the sources and program even sell it and modify it i do not sell it however, i did modify it and added a few features...

Yes, the only "new feature" is his family in About:

"Visual Paint! - v1.0-Build #13 - October 31st, 2006

Michael J. Hardy

Project Developer / Programmer

Sher K. Hardy

Beta Testing

Kara L. Hardy

Beta Testing

Special Thanks:

My Wife (Kara), Our Daughter (Zoe),

My Parents (Jim and Sher), My

Grandmother (Birdie Eldridge), My

Uncle (Paul Eldridge), My Aunt

(Joyce McGowan), My Wife's Family,

The Rest of My Family, and Microsoft

for providing A Free 90-Day Trial of

Visual Studio 2005 Pro. Edition...

I am dedicating this Software

Application (Visual Paint) To My

Wife (Kara) and Our Daughter (Zoe)...

Original Application ArtWork Was Found on the Internet...

Visual Paint! - ©Copyright October 31st, 2006

Written and Developed By:

Michael J. Hardy

®All Rights Are Reserved..."

90-Day Trial, hee-hee.

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The license does grant many things but the extent of his use and redistribution is not permitted. He is especially and extremely out of line (both ethically and legally) by bundling the effects that were developed by the forum members here and passing them off as his own.

Edit: Added words in underline above, to clarify

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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How would you go about handeling this?

And exactily what Whimmer pointed out, He obviously diid not want to add a CENT To this, he is prob. making money off this alarday!

EDIT: He added a advertisement or 2 to the installer, so he is mostlikely making money hear...

(some kind of downloading program)

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If you've installed his program, I highly suggest you scan your system for spyware.

Trouble with viruses?

Download AVG Anti-virus program

Housecall Online Anti-virus Scanner

Trouble with spyware? (Run both multiple times until they come up clean)

Download Ad-Aware

Download Spybot

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Gotcha, I will do that now...

and I am testing it, it seems to be the EXACT same thing as pdn, yet, he added a couple pluginns, and changed the name! Rick is being USED! because he did all the hard work, while this guy, just added a few things, and changed a couple words, and presto!

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Yes, like I said, I am contacting him regarding this.

If you have a plugin that was included in this bundling. Just look at the screenshot on the webpage, no need to d/l and install, I recommend that you also e-mail him about this. Please be polite and intelligent.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Here is the e-mail that I sent,


I'm sending you this e-mail to ask you to immediately cease distribution of "Visual Paint (MVP)" which I see at http://www.visual-paint.web1000.com/index.html . Hopefully this e-mail is all it will take to accomplish this. If I don't hear back from you, I will check the website at noon PST time, October 25th 2006, and I will hope to see it gone.

Anyway, the justification for my request: You are infringing on my copyright (and the copyright of all the other authors) on Paint.NET, http://www.getpaint.net . The MIT License which Paint.NET is distributed under grants the freedom to do many things, but "Visual Paint (MVP)" is outside of those permitted freedoms.

For instance:

* You may not use the Paint.NET icon. Permission to use this icon was permitted exclusively to myself by Dozi on deviantArt.com, and this permission does not follow the source code.

* You may not claim that you wrote the software, which you do on the website ("Visual Paint was developed by Michael J. Hardy ...") and in the program itself.

* You may not remove or change the Paint.NET copyright, nor may you replace the licensing terms. I saw no mention of Paint.NET, its copyright, nor any of the other authors.

* You may not copy the text from the Paint.NET website, http://www.getpaint.net , which you have done on the Features (http://www.visual-paint.web1000.com/Features.html) and System Requirements (http://www.visual-paint.web1000.com/System.html) pages (that is not necessarily a comprehensive list). The Paint.NET website contents are NOT released under the MIT License and may not be copied in this manner.

* Also, you have bundled many plugins which were originally made available on the Paint.NET forum by individual authors and which are covered by their own copyrights and licenses. You do not have permission to redistribute these. Even I don't have permission to redistribute these.

Like I said, hopefully this e-mail is all it will take to get this done and we can therefore resolve this immediately and amicably. I have also e-mailed your website hosting provider to inform them of this copyright infringement. I have BCC'd several of the other authors of Paint.NET on this e-mail so that they are informed of this as well.


-Rick Brewster

Lead Developer / Author of Paint.NET

Also, it is becoming quite clear that the licensing terms of Paint.NET need to be revised.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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If you have a plugin that was included in this bundling. Just look at the screenshot on the webpage, no need to d/l and install, I recommend that you also e-mail him about this. Please be polite and intelligent.

Oh, darn! I guess my stuff wasn't good enough for him. :D

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If you've installed his program, I highly suggest you scan your system for spyware.

To anyone who downloaded/installed this: if you find malware, please tell me immediately so that I can inform the appropriate people if necessary.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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This guy is a total joke:


A quick google shows all kinds of problems...

http://www.google.com/search?q=%22Micha ... tnG=Search

From one site...

Michael J. Hardy is known to have taken several programs from around the internet, made exceedingly minor changes, then released them as his own work for money. Visit http://www.doomlegends.com/hardy/ for more information. Michael J. Hardy is a rippoff artist. Please report him to the Software Piracy Association at : 1-888-838-7478.
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