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dodgy plug in !

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I downloaded some plug in's and one of them displacement Map has a warning that comes up saying there is a problem with it.

How do i remove the icon for this effect as it doesn't show up in the effects DLL folder? it wasn't downloaded properly but the icon shows up.

Also what go's wrong with plug in's like this that causes this? boltbait.sad.png

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The files are named "CurtisBlack...".

Part of this pack - Curtis' Plugin Pack (Update for 3.5.4)

Thank you Sarkut, you're very helpful, i'm gonna delete those plug in's, every time i opened that displacement map one it said i had to shut paint net down and they didn't recommend going any further, they said it could cause problems with the system so i don't want that.

How do you get that problem with some plug in's? are they just not properly put together or? doesn't seem much point in creating a plug in that's gonna be unstable and unusable in the system.

Thank you Sarkut. boltbait.smile.png

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The files are named "CurtisBlack...".

Part of this pack - Curtis' Plugin Pack (Update for 3.5.4)

Just went in Sarkut to delete that Curtis Black plug in pack, and it won't let me delete it! it says folder access denied and you need permission to perform this action !

Never heard this before. Do you know how to take these off Sarkut? has there been anyone else who has had problems with this plug in? wish i'd never downloaded it now! boltbait.sad.png

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Copy out any error messages found here:

Utilities > View Plugin Load Errors


Be sure that Paint.NET is closed when deleting.

Be sure that you have admin privilege.

Thanks for the info Sarkut, i'll give it a go.

Thank you. boltbait.smile.png

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Copy out any error messages found here:

Utilities > View Plugin Load Errors


Be sure that Paint.NET is closed when deleting.

Be sure that you have admin privilege.

Ok Sarkut i've got two plug in error messages about the Curtis Black effects, when i go in they are highlighted in blue, can you talk me through what i do now as i'm not sure.

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You could copy the error message and post it here.

The most common problem is version incompatibility.

Are you using the most up-to-date version

of Paint.NET and of the plugin (the beta) ?

Yeah i think i'm on the newest version as i checked for updates just a few days ago. Ok here's the two errors i hope this tuns out ok. 1 of 2


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\CurtisBlack.Common.dll

Effect Name: PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.IFileDialogUICallbacks

Full error message: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.IFileDialogUICallbacks' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.SystemLayer, Version=3.56.3972.42618, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

2 of 2


File: C:\Program Files\Paint.NET\Effects\CurtisBlack.Common.dll

Effect Name: PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.IFileTransferProgressEvents

Full error message: System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'PaintDotNet.SystemLayer.IFileTransferProgressEvents' from assembly 'PaintDotNet.SystemLayer, Version=3.56.3972.42618, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'.

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If you have been able to delete the plugin files,

clear your browser's cache and download the plugins again.



Ah Sarkut! you're a wizard! you must have done something 'cos i managed to delete the plug in's. Thank you, so do you recommend downloading them again? won't the same thing happen again?

If you recommend it i'll go in and download them again, hoping there's no problems this time.

Thank you so much for your help Sarkut. boltbait.big_smile.png

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It's worth trying again with the plugins.

They work okay on my system.

Thanks Sarkut, what did you do? 'cos i couldn't remove those DLL's before, but then after sending you the errors when you sent the message i went in and it let me delete them

from the effects list.

I'll have a go again with the effects maybe, i've got tons of effects but some of those looked good. boltbait.smile.png

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Thanks Sarkut, what did you do? 'cos i couldn't remove those DLL's before, but then after sending you the errors when you sent the message i went in and it let me delete them

It wasn't Sarkut, it was me. Mods have many stange powers including psychic powers boltbait.big_smile.png

You may have tried to delete the files when Paint.NET was still open - so access to them was denied as the files were flagged as 'currently in use'.

For the record: if you're having trouble with a plugin, post your problem in the thread related to that plugin. That way we keep all the discussion about that plugin in the same thread.

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It wasn't Sarkut, it was me. Mods have many stange powers including psychic powers boltbait.big_smile.png

You may have tried to delete the files when Paint.NET was still open - so access to them was denied as the files were flagged as 'currently in use'.

For the record: if you're having trouble with a plugin, post your problem in the thread related to that plugin. That way we keep all the discussion about that plugin in the same thread.

Thank you EER, i appreciate your help, i thought it was Sarkut who had done his stuff there for me, psychic powers you mods have indeed!

Cheers for all the help and advice. boltbait.smile.png

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