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[Question] How to create a radiograph

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I want to create a radiograph image (x-ray, Röntgenbild) from other objects (just the effect, not a real image, i think most people know http://www.evil-ernie.de/Simpsons/Simpsons-Cliparts/Homer-010-Roentgenbild.jpg , i want somethind similiar from the color effects with other objects (e.g. fonts, with the font itself as bone and as softer larger outer shape) ).

How can i achieve this?

I tried out the following:

-Create a black background

-Put the object on a second layer

-Detect the edges (Effekte-Stilisieren-Kantenglättung)

Now i had a black & white image with distursion (don't get rid of the distursion completly, used the "Rauchen reduzieren"-Filter multiple times, and "verschärfen" (sharpen?) to get a cleaner image) and a "Gravur" .

I tried a new layer with Unschäfe vergößern (same image with unsharpen larger (don't know how the menu is named in english)) and used additiv as layer blending.

Now i have only a black an white "shinging " image, not what i want. I used curves to get the thing in "somehow" blue, but it just does not look right.

So my question is, how can i make it look right?

Take the image, rescale it and put the right look to it?

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After edge detection and cleaning up the image to get a bright sharp outline on a dark background, use Ed Harvey's Splinter effect.

Here's how I do something similar: (subject to fiddling with the settings on a per-image basis):

1. Open image

2. Effects>Stylize>Outline at defaults

3. Invert colors with CTRL SHIFT I

4. Adjustments>Brightness & Contrast ( something like 62 & 77 respectively if the image is fairly dark, otherwise you can leave this step out)

5. Effects>Blur>Splinter settings 4/25/15 mode: Normal (perhaps lighten on some images but generally it is too bright). Try upping the number of splinters from 4 to around 16, sometimes this looks better. The rotation is also entirely up to you.

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After edge detection and cleaning up the image to get a bright sharp outline on a dark background, use Ed Harvey's Splinter effect.

Here's how I do something similar: (subject to fiddling with the settings on a per-image basis):

1. Open image

2. Effects>Stylize>Outline at defaults

3. Invert colors with CTRL SHIFT I

4. Adjustments>Brightness & Contrast ( something like 62 & 77 respectively if the image is fairly dark, otherwise you can leave this step out)

5. Effects>Blur>Splinter settings 4/25/15 mode: Normal (perhaps lighten on some images but generally it is too bright). Try upping the number of splinters from 4 to around 16, sometimes this looks better. The rotation is also entirely up to you.

With this descriptiion i have a white image with only some black lines (after step 2 its black with a few white lines (and normally the image background should be black). if i leafe step 3 out i got something like snowflakes after step 5?

Edited by offler
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if i understand right you are not only looking for the difuse"blurry" edges but also the overlay of white on white an xray gives(in laymans terms)

if it was me i would try, using not only the blur effects but also the glow effect and get the overlay thru changing the opacity of each layer -inserting black shapes on seperate layer in between layers of white objects would help define each overlayed image

Edited by mountnman


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