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Reputation System

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Hi all, I am a member of many other forums that have a reputation system, which allows users give a positive reputation, (posi) or a negative reputation (Neg) to certain post that users makes either it being a funny remark, a beautiful picture, or a ridiculous post.

My question being, if their was any way to implement this into the PDN Forums. :lol:

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Do we really need this?

There are so many other things that I'd rather do like ummmmm...gotta think hard now...oh yeah, create an image in PDN, support the many comps that require more entries, try out the tutes & plugins that people have worked hard to write, look at people's creations & give meaningful constructive criticism that will help them to create better images.

Sorry Mayor, you're a good artist & I can see where you're coming from but I agree with Ai7 & Chrisco.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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I also asked about a rating system. Just wondering. I'd like to think of myself as a higher level that some on PdN but then again how many people stick around the forums? Maybe 10 or 20? Having a rep system with 20 people is not useful. On a gigantic forum, yes it is because you want to know who's answer to trust. Here, whoever answers somebody's question and has more than 10 posts is 99% always reliable. (If any of that made sense :P )

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Look at the "how famous are you" thread? That kinda gives an indication of how people regard you.

When I first started on here, I'd look at the number of posts (not terribly reliable), their sig for the link to their gallery. I look at their gallery since the quality of their work indicates an accumulated knowledge that is put into practice.

Therefore, Oma, Welshblue, Sarkut, Yellowman, Possum Roadkill, Goonfella, A Fleeting Glimpse were among those who I looked up to & got some great advice. Each one offered advice from a different perspective. Then came along new friends who added more knowledge & advice.

Out there in the real world, you will need to work out whose advice you can trust. You have to use your judgement & thinking abilities.

Go & visit the galleries, walk through the threads, read the comments, you'll pick up a gold mine of information!

A reputation rating just tries to short cut learning.


Knowledge is no burden to carry.


April Jones, 2012

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