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User Customisable Effect Submenus


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It's programmatically possible to allow users to change the submenu that an effect is listed under.

For example, if someone writes one thousand and one effects, they could be listed under that person's submenu, then post-installation the user could be allowed to move frequently used effects to the "Render" submenu or "Frequently Used Effects" submenu, etc.

Is this a good idea?

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This has already been suggested and may be in popular feature requests.


Ability to organize/manage effects -- This one's interesting. Now that there are so many plugins available, people now need the ability to organize them, like into sub-menus or something. Will probably make it into a 3.x0 release (3.20? 3.50?)

I was talking about individual plugin writers adding, for example, a drop-down list box containing the standard submenus to their plugin config dialog. The text of selected item can then be saved in Properties.Settings.Default and retrieved by StaticSubMenuName getter.

Rick wouldn't have to change any Paint.NET code.

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Is this a good idea?


I don't want to see yet another nine thousand troubleshooting posts related to "I can't use Tutorial X because effect Y is not in submenu Z !!!!! HAAALLPP!!".

No. Way. I've just seen Bob. And... *poof!*—just like that—he disappears into the mist again. ~Helio

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A way of changing the name, menu, submenu, and icon of any effect is in the works. Probably won't see a public release until the end of spring break at the absolute earliest.


ambigram signature by Kemaru

[i write plugins and stuff]

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  • 4 years later...

Tim! said


Is this a good idea?


I don't want to see yet another nine thousand troubleshooting posts related to "I can't use Tutorial X because effect Y is not in submenu Z !!!!! HAAALLPP!!".

This is an open letter to Bob,


I come in this old discussion for two reasons :

  • In one hand, I am one of the thousand users that still in 2013 need and want the feature to reorganize the paint.net menus and submenus because the plugins are not correctly organized/sorted or make the menu too long to be user friendly and that's why we would like to reorganize ourselfes what was not thought right at the beginning.
  • in the other hand, I wanted to react on your peremptory judgement  claiming "No I don't want, I did not read that you are the unic creator (or this forum's dictator) of paint.net, are you ? Your answer could be less Manichean ! The idea is really not Bad. Not a false good idea at all ! Either developpers of plugins follow rules that avoid to have a too big menus for effects/adjust or trouble due to language (artistic / artistique) or encompass some related functions (color replace at root of effect, not in effect/color, all plugins named "adjust/color xxx" + "adjust/colour chop" grouped in one place, (choose UK or US for color/colour or let us rename when localisation does work for those functions)

ex: My paintnet has one plugin called "Transparency" in adjust and one submenu Transparency in effect.

We use to say here "If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself"  so if the menu are taller than the screen, not organized due to too many way of configuring installation of plugins then users are searching how to personnalize menus, if they are given a possibility to save customisation as a file, they will be able to propose to other users their new "skin", and once paint.net will do as winamp for instance, you'll see that some skins are so popular that they become the default way of the next version of painter.net


Another example, I have english menu items mixted with localized menu items. They could be corrected and merged in a unic menu.


in fact I feel my paint.net has been mingled/mixted up/blended and thus there is too many inconsistencies (see color, alpha, transparency, etc.)


Don't think I am not happy, I love paint.net but hearing someone saying stupidly "No/bad idea" makes me react !

to conclude I wanted to thank all the developpers for paint.net and its numerous free plugins !

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The last post in this thread was over 4 years old. Let it rest in peace.

No, Paint.NET is not spyware...but, installing it is an IQ test. ~BoltBait

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