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Feature request: shortcut to switch to next/previous open image

Go to solution Solved by toe_head2001,

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It would be faster if there was a shortcut to switch between images you have open besides using the mouse to click on their thumbnails (if there is already, I apologize). I often use paint.net to open multiple camera pics of the same subject to edit the best one -- that's often up to 20 images and I need to flip through them to figure out which has the best lighting and is the least blurry. I can't think of too many other usecases, but I've been doing this long enough it's worth asking, I think. Low priority, but if it's also low-hanging fruit then it might be worth bringing up :)

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On 8/21/2023 at 7:25 PM, NinthDesertDude said:

It would be faster if there was a shortcut to switch between images you have open besides using the mouse to click on their thumbnails (if there is already, I apologize).
but I've been doing this long enough it's worth asking

@NinthDesertDude Not wishing to be judgemental but I'm really interested why you didn't consult the Documentation before asking your question?

For example, did you not know that the Documentation is accessible under the Help :Help: icon top right?  Or directly by pressing shortcut key F1, as shown on the Help menu?

The reason for asking is that it seems quite a few people are unaware that Paint.NET has comprehensive, well written Documentation.

So does its existence need to be made more prominent somehow?

I see that you've been a Paint.NET user since at least 2013, so (forgive me) it would seem that you've had lots of opportunity to explore the Documentation. So what prevented that in this case?



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On 8/22/2023 at 6:30 AM, toe_head2001 said:

Yes, there are keyboard shortcuts for that.


^ this. You even have a couple of options for each....



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