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paint.net 5.0 is now available!

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3 hours ago, ltl645 said:

I installed the update but it appears to have uninstalled everything on my computer? Windows 10


Edit: Not files/any personal data (that I have seen), just most applications - Chrome, Google Earth, Steam, EA Origin, etc


Edit 2: It appears some of this stuff is still installed, just not appearing on the taskbar, or in the Start menu.


That sounds like this actually: https://www.ghacks.net/2023/01/13/major-microsoft-defender-asr-issue-confirmed-shortcuts-broken-application-start-up-issues/


Not Paint.NET related. Hopefully Microsoft sends out a fix for you ASAP.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Amazing, thank you! If I could make one suggestion that in my opinion would make a huge improvement to the system that would be an in-app plugin browser where you can browse plugins that are submitted and install them. I think that will give many users (myself included) access to the power of all the plugins that are out there.


I find it difficult to find plugins, and to know whether I'm on the latest version, since it seems they're mostly posted to the forum. I also only ever find plugins if I am searching for how to do a specific thing and the answer is to use a plugin. If there was in in-app browser I would have been browsing through it.


Checkout the Octoprint plugin system for an excellent implementation of this. 

Edited by NathanA
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29 minutes ago, Rick Brewster said:


That sounds like this actually: https://www.ghacks.net/2023/01/13/major-microsoft-defender-asr-issue-confirmed-shortcuts-broken-application-start-up-issues/


Not Paint.NET related. Hopefully Microsoft sends out a fix for you ASAP.


Thanks for the information -  as it showed up when I did the update I thought it might be related. 

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31 minutes ago, LARAUJO said:

Are there options to have pressure sensitivity affect things like opacity or hardness instead of size? Also, can we change how much the size changes, or is it entirely device-dependent?

Not yet, but I'm gathering feedback on what options people want so I can guide what I added in future updates.

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Thank you so much! I've using Paint.net for so many years now, it's my main image editing tool whenever I need some quick and easy edition, without over complicating my life and now with all the new improvements on 5.0 will be even better, and I can't stress enough how long have I being waiting for pen tablets support, that was the only thing missing for me, I had to go elsewhere to draw something with my tablet, but now I don't have to.


So thank you and thanks to everyone that makes this amazing software and its plugins.

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Seems good to give some feedback on this.

I sadly have rolled back to the previous version. Two reasons:

1) More demanding, causing frequent audio hickups on the video file I was playing in the background (relatively cheap PC, c. €500, most components no more than a couple of months old)

2) Distinct impression that the clone tool, which I'm using extensively, now in some cases leaves faint traces of what I'm trying to paint out. Goes away when I go over the spot twice, but obviously slows down the work.


First time in years I've chosen not to go with a new version - sorry guys. Back to 4.3.12 it is...

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3 hours ago, Koen said:

2) Distinct impression that the clone tool, which I'm using extensively, now in some cases leaves faint traces of what I'm trying to paint out. Goes away when I go over the spot twice, but obviously slows down the work.

Do you have the Hardness set to a low value? Compare the difference in behaviour of the tool with Hardness 0% and 100%.
What value of Spacing do you have set?

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2 hours ago, Tactilis said:

Do you have the Hardness set to a low value? Compare the difference in behaviour of the tool with Hardness 0% and 100%.
What value of Spacing do you have set?


Not sure what you mean by spacing. Brush size is mostly 70, hardness mostly 0, to avoid sharp edges (I'm painting out dust from scanned slides). Anyway, after having processed a batch of pictures in Paint.net 5.0 yesterday I went back to 4.3.12 today and all is well, so I'm just sticking to what I know to perform absolutely fine!

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25 minutes ago, Koen said:

Not sure what you mean by spacing.

Spacing is here:

But is probably not relevant to your use of the clone tool to paint out dust from scanned slides.




I went back to 4.3.12 today and all is well

Rather than just giving up, it would be helpful if we could understand exactly what is different in the results you get with 4.3.12 and 5.0.

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9 minutes ago, Tactilis said:

Spacing is here:

But is probably not relevant to your use of the clone tool to paint out dust from scanned slides.



Rather than just giving up, it would be helpful if we could understand exactly what is different in the results you get with 4.3.12 and 5.0.


Thanks for pointing out the spacing.

Re. finding out - yes, I subscribe to that in spirit but to be honest I'm very happy with 4.3.12 and am already cramming more in my days than I comfortably can so I'm flagging this up in case it might help others but am not really looking to spend a lot of time switching between versions etc. Sadly there's only so much you can do in a day, and also - there's the very real possibility that what I'm encountering is the result of a rather specific combination of settings/software/hardware and I wouldn't suggest people spend a lot of time looking into issues reported just by a single individual who can hardly be described as a computer expert! :)

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6 hours ago, Koen said:


Thanks for pointing out the spacing.

Re. finding out - yes, I subscribe to that in spirit but to be honest I'm very happy with 4.3.12 and am already cramming more in my days than I comfortably can so I'm flagging this up in case it might help others but am not really looking to spend a lot of time switching between versions etc. Sadly there's only so much you can do in a day, and also - there's the very real possibility that what I'm encountering is the result of a rather specific combination of settings/software/hardware and I wouldn't suggest people spend a lot of time looking into issues reported just by a single individual who can hardly be described as a computer expert! :)

Please at least post the diagnostics info from Settings -> Diagnostics -> Copy to Clipboard


The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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On 1/10/2023 at 2:23 AM, Rick Brewster said:

Bokeh Blur Effect

Lastly, Paint.NET now has a very high-quality Bokeh blur effect! This replaces the old Unfocus blur effect (which was Bokeh under a different name), both of which simulate the aesthetic quality of the blur produced by out-of-focus parts of an image. Developed in collaboration with Sergio Pedri @sergiopedri and Mike Pound (as seen on the Computerphile YouTube channel, like this one about Complex Bokeh Blurs), this version of Bokeh has a Quality slider that goes up to 10 instead of the usual 6 that you may have seen in other implementations such as ImageSharp's (further details available on GitHub). This produces an extremely high quality result that eliminates almost all fringing artifacts, even on gamma-corrected images or those with a lot of contrasting edges. Be sure to crank the quality up when you're also increasing the Gamma Exponent property, but be warned: it's a bit of a GPU killer!*** This is available in the Effects -> Blurs menu:

On 1/10/2023 at 2:23 AM, Rick Brewster said:

*** Not literally. It will not damage your GPU, it just requires a lot of processing power.

Isn't it a "simple" convolution ? (a multiplication in frequency domain with the point spread function). Or Does it apply the psf in the spatial domain ? Or is it something else ?

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It’s a simple convolution if you are okay with having really bad performance, with performance proportional to width x height x radius x radius (the radius squared is what kills it). To get good performance you need a separable algorithm. 


The old Unfocus was implemented using a histogram that is raked across the image. This isn’t a classic separated algorithm but the performance characteristics are the same. So it gets relatively good performance on the CPU with performance proportional to width x height x radius.


The new Bokeh cannot take this approach because of what GPU pixel shaders can/can’t do. Histograms just won’t work. Instead it uses an approximation algorithm involving complex numbers and multiple rendering passes. The rendering passes is tied to the Quality slider, and each pass will refine the approximation — hence why there are very noticeable artifacts at Q=1 but almost none at Q=10. The performance of this approach is very good, particularly because it is compatible with GPU data flows, and because GPUs are very fast for this sort of work. Performance is proportional to width x height x radius x quality.


Theres a link in the release notes to a discussion on GitHub with more details. You can also watch the Computerphile video on YouTube where Mike Pound talks about complex convolution kernels 


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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Hey Rick, I noticed something REALLY awesome when browsing through the effects tab. Under the Cloud Rendering, there appears to be A TON more BLEND mode options than before, which absolutely surprised me so much!

Feels like I'm speaking on behalf of a ton of people, but will we ever get to see this come to the normal Layer Properties?
This would elevate the editing experience substantially, it's been something I've wanted for so long!

Normal Layer Properties:

New Clouds Render:

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I'm hoping to. For v5.1 or v5.2, I'm planning to rev the .PDN file format, which will also include a revamp of the FileType plugin system, and I'll be able to start adding new features and layer types at that time.

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The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Just wanted to say that I am glad to see PDN continuing to evolve. (I do hope we can open old files when you revamp the file format!)


I stumbled across PDN some years ago, and now, literally could not run my dog training business without it.  It's why I make a small monthly donation to the program. 


Thank you for PDN!

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8 hours ago, Robot Graffiti said:

How do we use the Label control?


Create a StringProperty in your property collection:

new StringProperty(PropertyNames.MyLabel, "MyText");


Then configure the StringProperty as a Label:

configUI.SetPropertyControlType(PropertyNames.MyLabel, PropertyControlType.Label);

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

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I've noticed a small usability issue with 5.0.


When setting up a 'fixed aspect ratio' selection, I used to be able to click in the box for the X value, type it in, then tab-tab across to the Y-value. This no longer works - the tabbing sequence briefly goes to the 'flip' button (but doesn't actually stay on it), then seems to just disappear.


Otherwise though, many thanks for developing and maintaining PDN - it's such a useful tool, even though I only use a tiny subset of its capabilities.

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On 1/12/2023 at 12:48 AM, Nsedd said:

I have a trashy scanner and was using the sharpen tool to make the scans clearer. New sharpen tool has no effect at all on the scans even when pushed to the max.

If you want, you can access the old version of Sharpen with @BoltBait's new Sharpen Classic plugin: 


The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

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Thank you, Mr. Brewster. This is a helpful reminder on the eventual and notoriously delayed path towards a donation. A habit of mine, one could say, but as the image in the example image really does seems intriguing, would you make it available in order to be used as a wallpaper?



(And yes, I did look up and download the "Gen96" or "Gen96Colour" plugin, for what curiosity it may bring forth when I misuse it?)

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4 hours ago, xaml said:

the image in the example image really does seems intriguing, would you make it available in order to be used as a wallpaper?

@Ego Eram Reputo might have a link

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Since upgrading to 5.0, I'm having problems writing out a .pdn file using either "save" or "save as".  I tried rolling back to an earlier version but that no longer can write either.


The error indicates a "file not found" (even using "save as").  Why would the software be looking for an existing file with a "save as"?


Is there something I can do to correct this?  It's made paint.net completely unusable.


Thanks for any help you can provide!

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