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BoltBait's GPU Accelerated Plugin Pack for Paint.NET v5.0 (Updated 2024-04-29)


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21 hours ago, BoltBait said:


It is located in the Effects > Object menu.

Thank you, I apparently didn't extract after downloading. It is there now but I can't figure out how to use it. Can you help or is there somewhere that I can read about it? Much appreciated.

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Earlier, I noticed that not all my computer's fonts are showing up in the plugin's dropdown menu, and some fonts that do appear aren't rendering in the intended font and default to Segoe UI. and these weren't issues I've had before.





This first started to occur after I updated the plugin pack again for the 5.0.1 update as BoltBait suggested in response to the update (I hope I was supposed to do that), and I have made some images using the plugin that contain fonts that I've used that I'm unable to select with the plugin right now (e.g. ultra bold/black fonts, bitmap/pixel fonts, and rather cartoony and asymmetric fonts don't appear on the dropdown menu in the plugin).


I wasn't sure if this was something relating to the font's format, as I was assuming that TrueType fonts aren't compatible with this plugin at the moment, and only function with OpenType fonts (I came up with that theory due to the fact that a lot of bitmap fonts are TrueType instead of OpenType, but I'm not sure).


I hope I'm not pressuring anyone, rushing any updates, or acting like an entitled fool (something I wish not to do). My intent is only to point out something not being right. I'm not sure if this will be fixed, but hopefully we'll find a solution to this.

Edited by BlastOfBN
Minor typo. I should really start paying more attention when I’m proofreading something I wrote…


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Feature request: Ability to select a different install directory. I sync Paint.NET App Files with OneDrive and use the registry keys for "Custom Plugin/Shapes Folders" ( https://www.getpaint.net/doc/latest/InstallPlugins.html ).


Issue, or at least maybe something that can be made faster and more intuitive: Why loop through all the plugins at install when only a few are actually selected for install? It looks like the installer (v6.5) installs all the plugins (but it doesn't actually do that), even though I only selected one of them. So, misleading GUI IMO, and slow.

  • Shouldn't the "Install selected" action detect enabled checkboxes and only loop through those?


Also, the two errors when starting the installer when using the Microsoft Store version of Paint.NET could maybe be removed?

Either try to detect whether Paint.NET is installed. PowerShell example: 

[bool]$(Try{$null = Get-AppxPackage -Name 'dotPDNLLC.paint.net' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'; $?}Catch{$false})

Or present a popup at startup "Regular installer or Microsoft Store"?

Edited by olavrb
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On 1/23/2023 at 10:16 PM, BlastOfBN said:

not all my computer's fonts aren't showing up in the plugin's dropdown menu, and some fonts that do appear aren't rendering in the intended font and default to Segoe UI


Yes, fonts in my new plugins are really messed up right now. This is due to rewriting them from GDI+ to Direct Write... something I was not familiar with a the time.  I'm working on a solution.

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8 minutes ago, anderpainter said:

Color Balance plugin no longer appears


It does for me.  Couple things to check:


1. Check to see if there are any plugin errors 




2. Run my installer and see if Color Balance is checked.  My installer is actually a plugin Manager in that it will uninstall plugins that are not checked.


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  • BoltBait changed the title to BoltBait's GPU Accelerated Plugin Pack for Paint.NET v5.0 (Updated 2023-01-27)

Updated plugin pack to version 6.6 with the following changes:


  • Added Edge Detect Classic effect
  • Added Sharpen Classic effect
  • Updated font handling in Calendar Creator effect
  • Updated font handling in Outlined Gradient Text effect
  • Added blur slider to Outline Object effect


On 1/23/2023 at 10:16 PM, BlastOfBN said:

not all my computer's fonts are showing up in the plugin's dropdown menu, and some fonts that do appear aren't rendering in the intended font and default to Segoe UI


Both issues should be fixed now.

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For whatever reason, my browser (Google Chrome) marks the new version as dangerous, and it's never done this before with any PDN plugins.


I'm assuming it's probably just some vital file or line of code that got marked as malicious, but there's probably no malware in the download file.

Edited by BlastOfBN


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1 hour ago, BlastOfBN said:

For whatever reason, my browser (Google Chrome) marks the new version as dangerous, and it's never done this before with any PDN plugins.


I'm assuming it's probably just some vital file or line of code that got marked as malicious, but there's probably no malware in the download file.


Chrome is just telling you that it MIGHT be dangerous.  But, you know the source of the file and you trust me not to put harmful stuff into my downloads... so, you're safe.

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Awesome as always but was wondering if there was anyway to get the 'Keep original image' tick box back again. I do so many glass effects using that...now i am at a loss v.v

 "I'm not a Human being. I walk in Eternity."
- The Doctor




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In your bevel object it would be sweet to have the 'Keep original image' tic box. All apologies i had my drive wiped  and just getting my PDN and plugins back. Everything is awesome but i miss doing the glass effect with the clear image from unticking that box.

 "I'm not a Human being. I walk in Eternity."
- The Doctor




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5 hours ago, LePurr said:

In your bevel object it would be sweet to have the 'Keep original image' tic box. All apologies i had my drive wiped  and just getting my PDN and plugins back. Everything is awesome but i miss doing the glass effect with the clear image from unticking that box.




Download here: https://forums.getpaint.net/BoltBaitPluginPack


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  • BoltBait changed the title to BoltBait's GPU Accelerated Plugin Pack for Paint.NET v5.0 (Updated 2023-01-28)
1 hour ago, Dss said:

Not seeing the Object->Outline doing anything actually. Maybe I don't understand what it does.. I just want a border on my image but it does nothing. I'm using Paint.net 5.0.1 and the version of bolt pack listed in this thread. Here is what I see



Don't create a Selection before running the Effect.

(September 25th, 2023)  Sorry about any broken images in my posts. I am aware of the issue.

My Gallery  |  My Plugin Pack

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