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Issue with "Copy Merged" keyboard shortcut

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I tend to copy all the layers I am working with at once on Paint.NET using the Control+Shift+C shortcut. I've been using the software for years and got into the habit of just doing this everytime I copy paste so I don't forget about layering. Unfortunately, a few months ago the keyboard shortcut seems to have broken for me - if I do control+shift+c nothing happens and nothing is copied. Control+C still works fine, but it only copies the active layer which isn't what I want. I can still use the "Copy Merged" option underneath the edit menu but that isn't very convenient for me.


If anyone knows why this might be - whether it's a bug in the software or windows is not letting me use this shortcut - please let me know. I was assuming it was just some bug but I haven't seen it fixed in an update so maybe just my computer is weird. Thanks.

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Hi @Jayx20 - welcome to the forum :)


Try swapping out your keyboard for another. It might be a failing key (you could also try the other shift key to confirm this)

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10 hours ago, Jayx20 said:

whether it's a bug in the software or windows is not letting me use this shortcut


This happened to me once, for about 6 months, when Ctrl + D stopped working.  I am convinced it was a Microsoft problem.


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