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How Would I Make a nebula?

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There is one in the Galleria (first page), and below is their description how they made it.

Tell me about this one... 18. "Lone Nebula" :shock:

How did you make it?

That one was easy to make. First make a basic noise starfield on Background layer (their are oodles of tutorials). Then on a new layer, do Tom's Fire tutorial with a radial gradient instead of a linear one. Change blend mode to additive. Use Color Balance to add color, and done. I did a little bit more on lone nebula though. I believe I duplicated the layer, ran Sepia, and then did a transparent gradient on it.

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I think this thread can answer your question. :wink: :P

Black canvas, add noise then use oil painting effect to make a starry background.

Render clouds, set blending mode to difference, and repeat the render 5 or 6 times.

Then use transparency gradients to cut out the clouds (which are on a layer separate from the starry background) to get your nebula.*

As for the light sources, add yet another layer, and select a relatively large brush size (20 pix should do it) then click on random parts of the canvas. Gaussian blur your little white circles you just created, and set their blend mode to Overlay. You should then have a copy of this image.

EDIT: Here's what I came up with in 1 or 2 minutes:


*Alpha mask plugin works better, but I think gradients are easier for new users to understand.

"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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I didn't actually use gradients to make the smiley face, though like LFC said, use "Transparency gradients - Gradient tool in this mode :AlphaChannel:"

I used an alpha mask for what I made - for more information on Alpha Masks, here are some useful links:

The Plugin

Useful Tutorial 1

Useful Tutorial 2

Oh, and by the way, I linked to this thread because ironically, we'd all been answering the same question you asked all along...

Hope you get the hang of this,


"pyrochild, you're my favorite person ever. We should go snowboarding some time."~ 007 Nab. Ish.

PDN Gallery | I Made a Deviant Art!

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The tut for learning about Transparency gradients is viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2756

Oh, and by the way, I linked to this thread because ironically, we'd all been answering the same question you asked all along...

Hope you get the hang of this,


See what I mean? Take some time to learn , play around in PDN more.


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