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Copy/Paste/Save/Apply - HISTORY

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I cant tell you how many times I wanted to apply a history of effects and colors for an object that I created in the past. It would be swell if there was a way to copy/save a history or portion thereof and then paste it to a new image. Is there already a way to do this?

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That would, indeed, be a welcome feature; but I think this request belongs in the Discussion and Questions forum, not the Plugin Developer's forum. ScriptLab is a powerful plugin that allows a stored sequence of Effects and Adjustments to be applied to the current layer, but it can't do the more general operations of creating layers, merging layers, using Tools, and such. With the current version of Paint.NET, no plugin can do those things. So the requested feature could only be implemented by Rick Brewster.

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19 hours ago, MJW said:

That would, indeed, be a welcome feature; but I think this request belongs in the Discussion and Questions forum, not the Plugin Developer's forum.

Agreed -- I've moved this post there

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