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Picture of puzzle pieces

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  • toe_head2001 changed the title to Picture of puzzle pieces

I have 2 layers. The background is a puzzle - just a blank puzzle with only the outlines of the pieces showing. The 2nd layer is a picture I took. I want to reveal the picture one puzzle piece at a time, saving the image each time. It is meant to show progression, like using a thermometer but way cooler. Just to clarify, I did it before with a friend over Skype for 2 hours, but now can't for the life of me remember how to "remove" a puzzle piece and I won't take up her time again. The image below is jpg because of the allowed file size here. Thanks.

progress puzzle 63%.jpg

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To remove a piece you need to do the opposite of what you have explained.
Have to white puzzle as the foreground and your color photo montage as the background.
To remove a piece, use the Wand Tool ~50% tolerance and delete the white area of a puzzle piece

to reveal what is on the layer underneth and save each step as a PNG. Undo merge/save steps and repeat for each puzzle piece reveal.
Make sure that after each Undo; you are woring with the top layer only!

When all the pieces are removed you can add each of the save images to a AGIF/APNG animation with agif/apgn filetype animation plugin.
Remember: A GIF animation can only contain up to 256 colors, so you will want to do a APNG animation to maintain color depth!
Also the APNG animator animates from the bottom layer up so the full white puzzle image should be athe the bottom and layer above should have one piece revealed, and so on to the top where all pieces are revealed.


Edited by HyReZ
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Hello @jabaker and Welcome to the forum :)


I have made a video showing how to do this.  It's a bit slow in the beginning, but you can always speed it up.  I'm a bit off my game at the moment and haven't used the software in a bit.


What you will be doing is:


1.  Delete on piece at a time, flatten and save as .png

2.  Keep doing this till you are all done - I didn't do every frame.

3.  Then using Midora's Plugin, which @HyReZ mentions above, put it all together.





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