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FYI: Google search for "Paint.NET" gives zilch ret

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I don't know if this is an issue. But to get it on google search would help promote this great undertaking.

I don't even know how it is done but would be nice to see results in google based on Paint.NET search term.

Keep up the great undertaking.

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Well if you ask me, if you want paint.net you should type it into the address bar of your browser. The search enging shouldn't go, "OHHH I'll bet you want http://www.paint.net so the results list will just be a link to that." *bonks head* It makes sense for it to be the first result, sure, but not the only one.

I think MSN Search, et. al. do this as well. :roll:

In the end, it's not worth selling my car and taking out a loan for. (to buy the domain)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Sorry I hit a sore point. And understand yer frustration on search egine criteria and all.

Was just having a vision of large results page on a google search without rembering to add the quotes.

Would like to see this program grow and qrow and grow.

And if I was working right now I would donate $$$ to see it become.

But jobs in portland are a little tight in the High Tech

But keep up the good work Washingtoian.

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It's not really a sore point, it's just something that I don't think search engines are currently handling correctly, so I was venting w.r.t. that.

And don't worry, Paint.NET is indeed growing and growing. We're easily doing 30,000+ downloads per week ... which is astronomically higher than 2 years ago :)

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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You could consider renaming the product to something you can get the domain name for. Perhaps time it with a big functional release to maximise the impact / press coverage.

It is also common for products to rebrand when they go from being free to being commercialised, so the customer thinks they are getting something more than they used to get for free.

In general, I always thought the name .NET was a mistake for Microsoft. It is a particularly difficult search term, containing both a non-alphanumeric character and looking like a TLD.

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I think the best name I could come up with was PaintFX ("fx" kinda goes with .NET "Framework", such as dotnetfx.exe, and the new WinFX stuff coming out). I like the name, but heck ... it's already taken :) If I were to change the name, I'd want something I could register as a trademark. And 3 syllables is about right, so "Paint 2007" would be a crummy name for instance. "Paint 2k7" is kind of interesting as a name (would need to change to Paint 2k8 eventually of course ;)).

I dunno, what other name ideas do you all have? I'm not saying I'm changing the name, but it'd be interesting to have some brainstorming.

The Paint.NET Blog: https://blog.getpaint.net/

Donations are always appreciated! https://www.getpaint.net/donate.html


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Paint Millenium Edition.

Err, haha, sorry, not comparing your software to that, just jokin :lol:

when I use google I just have to hit 'find websites that contain the term paint.net' after the initial search comes up...

PaintFX sounds pretty decent. Putting a year on the end is just corny.


It's not like you have a lot of options that don't remind people of something else short of renaming the project, so paintFX may be the best I can think of too...interesting

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