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signatures and avatars

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i've read several tuitorials and still do not understand how to use my signature and avatar. i made it, uploaded to photobucket and had the following assigned to it. http://s281.photobucket.com. how do i get it back to and use it on paint.net

thank you james

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I did read myrddins tuitorial. on # 7 it says for posting your image insert it into a set of image tags url. does that mean to do this. bluewolf.jpg

do i need to do this in my post area for it to transfer it.

i guess it did, the image showed up in the post. :shock: does that mean it will show up under my user name when i post. thanks

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ok now you copy the tag (the img in square brackets) and go to your User control panel (top of the page) :arrow: profile tab :arrow: avatar tab (am I correct?) there should be a space. Paste the Img tag there so it should look like this:

(Img)the url for the image should be here(/Img)

Note: I used normal brackets instead of square ones because I wasn't sure if they would show up.

I hope this helps!

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