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Channel Viewing

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I'm not sure if this has been asked about or mentioned before but I did search so I appologise if it has been. Is there a way to change which channels you view without editing the actual image. For example in photoshop you can only view the alpha channel by disabling the other channels (like layers) is there already a way to do this? If not is there one on its way?

"Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity." -Michaul Gelb

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Ok but then you cant put them back can you? What I want to do now is only view the alpha channel, edit it, and then put the other channels back again. Is it possible? If so what steps are there? If not can some one make a plugin?

"Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity." -Michaul Gelb

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Ok but then you cant put them back can you? What I want to do now is only view the alpha channel, edit it, and then put the other channels back again. Is it possible? If so what steps are there? If not can some one make a plugin?

Try searching for "channels" in the plugin section.

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Ok but then you cant put them back can you? What I want to do now is only view the alpha channel, edit it, and then put the other channels back again. Is it possible? If so what steps are there? If not can some one make a plugin?

What you want to do is find the "Alpha Mask Import" plugin.

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Ok but then you cant put them back can you? What I want to do now is only view the alpha channel, edit it, and then put the other channels back again. Is it possible? If so what steps are there? If not can some one make a plugin?

What you want to do is find the "Alpha Mask Import" plugin.

Oh, poor BoltBait. Living in the past :wink: I recommend Channel Mask over Alpha Mask :wink:


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I have an idea for a plugin to make both of those obsolete. Don't make me write it. :P
Better than Channel Mask? Such statements should not be made unless they can be backed up...

P.S. I have quite a few suggestions with regard to Channel Mask if you want to hear 'em...


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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@ Boltbait and Mike Ryan

Wow thanks guys it works wonderfully :mrgreen:


Sure I would like to hear them (though Channel Mask confuses me). I'll happily listen to (or read :wink: ) any suggestions. Please, keep them coming!

"Confusion is the welcome mat at the door of creativity." -Michaul Gelb

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@ Boltbait and Mike Ryan

Wow thanks guys it works wonderfully :mrgreen:


Sure I would like to hear them (though Channel Mask confuses me). I'll happily listen to (or read :wink: ) any suggestions. Please, keep them coming!

Sorry, I was talking to BB about enhancements I'd like to see in a masking tool; not suggestions for operation of the currently available tools.


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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I have an idea for a plugin to make both of those obsolete. Don't make me write it. :P
Better than Channel Mask? Such statements should not be made unless they can be backed up...

I wouldn't have made that statement if I wasn't ready to back it up.

Oh, and BTW, I was really only referring to Alpha Mask Import plugin. But, I'm sure after I publish an improvement to that plugin, Curtis WILL update his Channel Mask plugin to match my functionality.

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But, I'm sure after I publish an improvement to that plugin, Curtis WILL update his Channel Mask plugin to match my functionality.

Is that a challenge. :wink:

I have quite a few suggestions with regard to Channel Mask if you want to hear 'em...

If you have any suggestions for Channel Mask, your more than welcome to let me know in my plugins thread.

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I have quite a few suggestions with regard to Channel Mask if you want to hear 'em...

If you have any suggestions for Channel Mask, your more than welcome to let me know in my plugins thread.

Will do. :D


Take responsibility for your own intelligence. 😉 -Rick Brewster

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